<p>For those of you who have cancelled their SAT scores before (anytime), what does your status say on collegeboard? Like if you took a test but cancelled it later, when you look at your account what does it say under status? </p>
<p>When you go on collegeboard and view your test scores, you'll get a list of dates you either or already took and received the scores, just took and are waiting for scores, or registered and haven't taken it yet. But what happens to the status if you cancel a score after you took the test (and before the deadline)?</p>
<p>Like if you took a test and are just waiting for the scores, or you just completed registration it says status COMPLETE. But if it's cancelled, do they remove the fact that you took the test? </p>
<p>I cancelled the October one. I forgot if it shows under the “mysat” thing but colleges will never know that you took it.</p>
<p>i get that part, but im wondering if collegeboard cancelled my scores by accident… something happened, but could you please do me a favor and check on your account what it says about your october test? thank you so much! i really would appreciate it!!</p>
<p>I’m in school so I can’t check on a computer until I get home (after track practice). When your score gets cancelled though, they send a confirmation email and then a letter.</p>
<p>alright thanks for letting me now! and please check if you can
it would mean a lot to me if you could double check <3</p>
<p>Hmm it no longer appears at all.</p>
<p>oh ok thanks classiclays!</p>
<p>and aphaevolution, i know about score choice, but im scared that collegeboard might have cancelled my scores before i even received them</p>