<p>Anyone else staying up for the first notification????</p>
<p>Is it Exeter (6AM EST, 3AM PST for Westies like me...)?
And Andover - I've heard that they express mail acceptances on March 9th. Should I be expecting it when I get back from school tomorrow? Or would it take an extra day cause I live in CA....... hmmmm....... :</p>
<p>I’m staying up. Don’t really have a choice at this point.</p>
<p>im technically not staying up cuz its afternoon for me right now lol
here’s my checklist:
Exeter - 6 am EST
Lawrenceville - 9:30 am EST
Hotchkiss - 6 pm EST
Andover - 5:30 pm EST</p>
<p>this is officially the longest day in my life</p>
<p>Anyone still awake?</p>
<p>Just got my email from HPA, I’m in:)</p>
<p>NICE! :D</p>
<p>I’m still up… x_x
1 hour and 38 minutes to pass… does anyone wanna talk? how are you guys?</p>
<p>I’m staying up, in a way, but it’s 5:40 PM my time.
Freaking out over here, I keep trying to do deep breathing to calm myself down, hah.
One good thing is my acceptance to Taft
Definitely takes some pressure off to know I’m into one.</p>
<p>Haha… lucky… my first one to come out will be Exeter… which is another 1 hour 21 minutes…</p>
<p>I’m trying to blast music and drown out my thoughts… not working. Maybe I should try some deep breathing too. xD</p>
<p>Wow - what country do you live in?</p>
<p>I live in Taiwan, and ahh, I’m so scared. I won’t find out about Hotchkiss or Andover until tomorrow morning my time :(!</p>
<p>oh, NICE. :D</p>
<p>I won’t find out Andover until after school… I won’t be able to think at all. x_x
Good thing my science test was postponed to Friday, haha.</p>
<p>Sooooo neeeeervousssss… 41 minutes now!!!</p>
<p>i’m really nervous! it sounds so close but it feels like today is soooo long!!! how are you guys? is there anyone sitting near the computer now, waiting for you decisions? there’s only 1-2 hrs left until the decisions will be out! Good luck to all applicants!!! and please post your good news here to share if you are accepted!</p>
<p>Heheh it’s 3 am here in CA and I havent started my homework yet cause I haven’t been able to concentrate… and I don’t think I’ll be able to until I get my Exeter email… :</p>
<p>How are YOU?</p>