Anyone gotten a booster shot?

I think people with auto-immune issues (like transplant recipients, current cancer patients, etc.) should get an antibody test. Based upon that, they could get additional vaccinations. The rest of us should wait until an official recommendation. Maybe a booster which has delta varient incorporated, if and when that is available?


My pharmacist DH has had people try to get a third vaccine, generally by lying about their vaccine status. The computer system catches it and rejects the insurance claim. The system can also find insurance information if none is provided at the time of service (paying cash and not using insurance is common in opioid addiction situations too). There is also a state database in our state at least. for vaccines (not just Covid) that can be checked.
He also said their computer system has recently added an option for a third Covid vaccine, so theyā€™re preparing for booster shots to be available.


I like hearing this part.


Anyone had their antibody titer checked first? (The drop in medical clinic by my dentistā€™s office was offering ā€˜freeā€™ titer checking as well as vaccines, and I was tempted for the former, as I had my 2nd vax in Feb.)

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I wish I could find this! Iā€™d love to know our numbers. When we return from our trip Iā€™ll have to start looking around us to see if there are options for it - even if we pay for it.

I am in the Pfizer vaccine trial (which continues for another year) and a couple of months ago they asked me to be joint a Booster trial. Itā€™s double-blind so I donā€™t know for certain whether I got the placebo or actual vax, but based on how I felt the next day Iā€™m betting it was the actual vax. The Dr running the trial said that they expect that the Booster will be approved by late summer/early fall, and rolled out this autumn, and if so they will unblind the trial at that point.


Awesome, thanks for sharing! And thanks for joining the original trial too. Folks like you have helped us all out tremendously.


Antibody levels, especially determined by these tests offered at your doctorā€™s office, are not indicative of immunity. First, not all IgGs that are generated in response to the virus are neutralizing antibodies (which is what you need for immunity), as many peer-reviewed studies have shown. The tests offered at the doctorā€™s office are generally not qualified to quantify neutralizing antibodies. You would need a special test for that.

Additionally, our immune system is much more sophisticated than just a few immunoglobulins floating in the blood. There is no need for the system to produce and put these virus-fighting ā€œsoldiersā€ on the front line when there is no enemy around. B cells trained to produce these IgGs in response to the virus can do so when needed. Then there are T cells, too.

Disclaimer: I am not an immunologist, just a parent of one.

See also:


Bummer, but thanks for posting the real info. (Next time Iā€™m down by the clinic, Iā€™ll ask them about neutralizingā€¦)

There is currently no reliable measurement of the level of anitbodies a fully vaccinated person has. Both my sister and daughter have had both shots, but my sister has a cancer where the shots may not have induced any antibodies at all. My daughter is on immune-suppressing treatment which may have greatly affected her antibodies. I canā€™t wait until CDC authorizes boosters at least for their class of people.

I did hear on TV that there is enough vaccine for the third dose.


Thatā€™s interesting @collegemom3717 , just yesterday I asked my daughter (who is in the Moderna trial) if she had heard anything about a booster. She has not. Moderna unblinded their trial months ago so she knows she wasnā€™t in the original placebo group. Iā€™m guessing the booster trials would only involve fully vaxxed participants. Sheā€™s coming up on the one year anniversary of her original shots.
I will get a booster if it is recommended but not going to try to sneak in early.
ETA - @smdur1970 I wouldI be looking for one if I were in your shoes. Best wishes for immunity to your family.

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A while back, there was a news article mentioning people with immune deficiencies (not auto-immune issues) doing a primary series of an mRNA vaccine, checked antibodies, then doing J&J - Janssen if their antibodies were too low or none. Some did see antibodies afterward, but some unlucky ones saw no antibodies after both a primary series of an mRNA vaccine and a subsequent J&J - Janssen vaccine.

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Regardless of how many boosters one gets under these circumstances, it may be best to ensure getting a booster after the temporary immune suppression is over (i.e. after the relevant treatment is ended).

They are two independent women , not living close to me, who so far have decided to wait for approval and/or their doctorsā€™ recommendations. I would qualify as an ā€œolder personā€ but am hoping that immune-suppressed people get first dibs, if priorities are assigned.

The treatment is every two months for as long as it worksā€“hopefully a good long time. The booster would have to be scheduled like the first two wereā€“equidistant from the treatment.

Well, my lung doc is at UCSF, where they are studying the issue of booster shots. Heā€™s had family members die of covid and is being very attentive to everything related to covid. Heā€™s >70, so heā€™s at high risk.

Iā€™m pretty sure he will let me know if he learns anything about boosters and I promise to share the info.

Until he advises me to take some specified action, Iā€™m staying a hermit and doing all I can to stay safe and healthy. I was fully vaccinated by Feb with my mom and H, so am many months past that at this point. All the medical folks I know were vaccinated around the or earlier so theyā€™re also looking to when boosters would be appropriate.

I am ordering better and more protective AND breathable masks for me and loved ones. I watched the videos by Aaron Collins comparing masks and read his spreadsheet and was guided by that. I need breathable masks.

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Labcorp offers a Covid spike antibody quantitative titer test. I hear itā€™s only ten bucks. Iā€™ve had this done twice through a study. The second time, I had it done as a confirmation of another labā€™s test that indicated that Iā€™d had a good response to that third shot - and the Labcorp antibody test was consistent with the other labā€™s test. I think that you can just go on Labcorpā€™s website and order it for oneself.

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COVID-19 Antibody Testing | Labcorp lists a $10 service fee plus $42.13 billed to your insurance or to you directly if you do not have insurance that will cover it.

It does not say whether it will tell you that you have antibodies from vaccination only (against spike protein only) or from infection (against various other parts of the virus as well as the spike protein).

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are they able to get the booster just walking into a place like Walgreens? Were they asked if theyā€™ve previously had a vaccine? D got J&J and Iā€™d love to get her a booster but her doc doesnā€™t recommend yet and Iā€™m not sure what to expect if we try to walk in and get her one.

UCSF hospital is where 183 staff recently tested positive for covid. Though only 2 required hospitalization. For those who do not have the option of remaining a hermit at home, it might be a good idea to investigate booster shots.