Anyone gotten a booster shot?

MODERATOR’S NOTE: Please move on from the discussion about when lying is justified. This is an instruction, not a suggestion.


There are hospitals that are requiring antibody levels on all admitted patients as a way to try to obtain that data. Nothing is official yet, data still being obtained. But right now, 1:450 or above is deemed protective, 1:150 low level protective, below that is insufficient level of protection.


It looks like the usual assumption on this thread is that a third dose of current vaccines will be the solution, based on the assumption that waning immunity is the primary problem. However, it is not clear that waning immunity is the (primary) problem. There are multiple reasons why there may be more breakthrough infections, particularly among those who got vaccinated earliest:

  1. Current vaccines against ancestral virus are not perfectly matched to the Delta variant that is dominant now.
  2. Delta produces much higher viral loads, so exposures are likely to have higher viral doses, and higher viral doses may be more likely to result in breakthrough infections.
  3. The earliest vaccine recipients were health care workers (high exposure) and the most medically vulnerable (weakest response to vaccination).
  4. There is the possibility of waning immunity.

A booster of the current vaccines does not help against 1 and 2 above. It may or may not help against 3. It would help against 4.

A booster targeted specifically against the Delta variant would help against 1 above.

For someone who has safely been vaccinated before, an extra booster dose of current vaccine is unlikely to be medically risky, and may be of some help. But it is best not to assume that getting an extra booster dose will make it perfectly safe to go into crowded indoor restaurants or bars in places where virus spread is common.


My parents (both 80, my dad with major underlying conditions) were vaccinated (Pfizer) in Florida back in February. They both got a booster in NY at their doctor’s office yesterday. No need to lie about anything. They were up front about the fact that they had already been vaccinated and were given the booster no questions asked.


I find all the recent, high profile breakthrough cases concerning. It does seem, to me, to indicate a waning level of protection from the 2-dose vaccines. It also seems like an 8-month requirement before a third dose seems arbitrary perhaps driven by logistics.

It is interesting that Pfizer is set for full approval next week (Monday?). Seems to me that after that any dr should be able to prescribe a third dose at any time (off label at physician’s discretion).

God helps those that help themselves.


Perhaps in someway it has actually sorted itself out already. The 1.1 million peoplewho were very concerned and went ahead and got boosters prevented those shots from waste and won’t be in line in the future. Those less concerned waited, and some may never boost.

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No many people are very concerned but unwilling to lie. And many of the most vulnerable are not able to get to a pharmacy for a shot at all .

I don’t want to respond to provocation so am refraining from further comment on this.

I didn’t even know a booster shot was available yet.

According to CVS, their pharmacy is still awaiting instructions and delivery of boosters.

I took my mom to the CVS yesterday were she got her booster

UCSD Health sent out an email a few days ago advising:

Based on recent guidance from the CDC, we are providing an additional dose of an mRNA (Pfizer or Moderna) COVID-19 vaccine after the initial series of doses to patients whose immune systems are moderately to severely compromised.

Patients in their health system can schedule via myChart, and they also gave references for where others can get it. I have a regular check up in early October, which will be 7 months post second shot, and hope to be able to schedule a booster at that time.


Yes, pediatricians are mentioning they may go off label for the younger kids once it’s approved for the older ones.


Given the surge last year with the holidays, It might be good if boosters were sanctioned in time for those.


That’s a great idea and not just for giving individuals a chance to protect themselves, but as a broader public health measure.

So you are saying peds would administer the dose Pfizer is using in Phase 2/3 trials in ages 5-11 (10mg) and under 5s (3mg) rather than the 12+ dose of 30mg? Before the trial results are known and released? What could go wrong with that?

Exactly. I think the CDC and state public heatlh depts. should be proactive based on patterns already seen. Thanksgiving, Hannukah, Christmas, New Year’s caused the biggest surge of all, at least so far.

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I got one last week. I have immune system issues and just explained them to the pharmacist.


Those of you who have gotten boosters already- do they note it on your fax card, give you another card- or nothing?

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They put a sticker on the bottom of the front of my card.

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They use third line on your card

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