Anyone gotten a booster shot?


It was the third time around Moderna. Rejoice! Clearly, his response demonstrates that he is not as immunosuppressed as you might have thought.

A friend of mine recently got the flu shot and it seems to be packing quite a wallop this year. (She got the over 65 version though.)

I got the booster Wednesday. Now it’s Friday and I am still really feeling bad. I slept all day yesterday. Serious headache. It’s making me rethink mandating people to go through this. The CDC says only a small percent have these side effects, but in my circle of women friends, it’s almost everyone. This was much worse than after the second shot.

D21 received her booster yesterday at a campus vaccination clinic.

You don’t know that. (My prediction is just the opposite: unless required by local mandate to attend school, my guess is that many parents will be reluctant to vax their rapidly-developing child.)

"As an employee of the [University of Michigan] who runs Covid-19 testing sites, Alicia Kalsi, 26, was able to get her booster shot at an employee clinic early on in the booster rollout.

“The last time she checked, she said, the next available appointment at the employee clinic was at the end of October.”

Thats an issue for University health system, and its health care staffing (which has been short-handed since the start of the pandemic. I just googled a zip code for Ann Arbor and a whole list of CVS stores popped up with booster availability today.

My prediction is that vaccination of children will mostly follow how anxious the parents were to get vaccinated themselves. I.e. the parents who got vaccinated as soon as they could will probably get their kids vaccinated as soon as possible, while the parents who refused vaccination or only got vaccinated because of employer requirements or some such will probably not get their kids vaccinated unless required for school or an important activity. The parents in-between who got vaccinated willingly but were slower to do so (sometimes due to real or perceived access or convenience issues) will probably be slow to vaccinate their kids (perhaps doing so only when convenient, such as a vaccination event at school).

I’ve never thought he was immunosuppressed despite his long history of taking immunosuppressive meds. He’s never been more prone to infections than most people. My theory (and this has no basis in science, as far as I know) is that the immunesuppressives just bring his immune system down to a normal level so he’s no more at risk than the rest of us.

Last time I checked, there were over 40 same day appointments available at our local pharmacy.

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Moderna or Pfizer?

According to the CDC:

[quote]28% of Moderna or Pfizer recipients said the shots got in the way of going about their routines.

Overall side effects were more pronounced after people took a third dose of the Moderna shot. Half of Moderna booster recipients reported headaches and muscle aches, and 60% said they came down with fatigue.[/quote]


My husband has been hit pretty hard by shot number 3. He is immunocompromised and three days after his arm is still hard to the touch and he has not been feeling well.

I am on day three post booster shot. I am still headachy but I can keep my food down. I think another booster would do me in entirely.

I hope that with the mandates, sick days will be added for all the employees who react as badly as I have. It really is a lot to ask people to endure.


Both me and wife had less of a reaction to Moderna #3 than #2: besides a sore arm, #3 was barely noticeable to me, so I guess I’d count in the xx% of normal routine. In contrast, wife had similar, but much milder reaction to the third (less joint pain, less achy), and she only had fatigue for 1 day as opposed to ~3.


Got my flu shot yesterday. No big deal. Waited a month after the 3rd Moderna (full dose @ CVS based on active cancer treatment, blood clotting disorder and on blood thinners, all of which were on the qualifying questionnaire). It was also no big deal (sore arm, a bit tired).

Next up: mammogram, then shingles, then 2nd pneumonia.


Got FIL His booster just now. Different cvs than before and I was not impressed. He had an appointment, but it took 40 min before they gave it to him. And not because they were giving anyone else a shot. We were the only ones there for a vaccine the entire time. Had this been a first shot and not protected at all, I would have been livid at the exposure. Only 1/3 of the people in the store had face masks.

The procedure for administering the Pfizer vaccine requires thawing it: . If he was the first or only person getting the Pfizer vaccine, then time to thaw may be part of that 40 minutes.

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No it wasn’t. He had Moderna. And he had the appointment set two days ago. They knew he was coming. The pharmacist said she would be there in a min. And then every ten min it was “I’ll be there in a minute.” And so on and so forth until I told them we had an 86 year old with a weak immune system sitting there out in the open. Please do it now. And then she walked over and did it.

I hope so too, but if you’re looking at defense against a substantially lethal and disablling virus, I don’t really think it’s that much to put up with.


Study of vaccine effectiveness in New York suggests that the drop in effectiveness is mostly coincident with the Delta variant, and is greater for Pfizer than Moderna.