Anyone gotten a booster shot?

Exactly the same experience as our S16. Except he was alone in his apartment when he had his booster so we were not there to support him. He did have friends that stopped by with soup and Gatorade :grinning:

I think the reaction is just so unpredictable. My S had a fever after his second dose of Pfizer back in the spring. He had a booster (also Pfizer) last week and there was barely any reaction.

We have a situation where 91 yr old mother is vaxxed and boosted, and my family and sister #1’s family are all vaxxed and boosted. Sister #2 and her family are NOT vaxxed at all, and she hosts Christmas eve for the family. I am shocked that both 91 yr old Mom and sis #1’s family are OK with going to the unvaxxed family’s home on Christmas eve. My family has no interest in going there, and we’re being portrayed as the alarmists.

Even worse, I am being painted as a hypocrite because I go to public places, albeit masked. I look at it this way----if an area is 80% vaxxed, then I can assume that 80% of random strangers are vaxxed. At my sister’s house, there is no assumption—100% are unvaccinated.

And why is sis #2’s family not vaxxed? Political reasons, nothing more.


Seems like they are more confident in vaccines protecting them than you are.

@Rivet2000 to be clear, my D is 16 y/o (I forgot CC uses grad year, not age). So yes, she is fortunate to be home under my care. I do, however, also have a 22 y/o who got sick from her first Pfizer dose and was home alone in her apartment at the time, so I can empathize. It sure sucks to be sick and no one around to care for you. I’m glad your son had friends who were able to help!

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are you sure it’s political? Have you asked sis#2 specifically what her concern about vaccines are? (My nephew, who is a 6’2", 230 lb 30-something former college athlete, has been voting Democrat since he first registered, and volunteers for get-out-the-vote drives, yet he believes covid is a hoax. Fortunately, he’s a teacher and the family shamed him into getting at least the J&J, 'to protect his kids, just in case.")

Are you just discounting any excuse/concern as political?

Poor kid. I hope she’s feeling better today.

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Are you concerned unvaxxed may transmit covid to you? Or, are you concerned you may bring covid germs to unvaxxed sister’s home?

BOTH—I don’t wish to infect them, as it could go badly since they’re not vaccinated, nor do I want my 91 yr old vaxxed mother getting COVID, as at her age it could go bad as well. Being vaccinated, I do not want even a mild case of COVID, as I have co-morbidities that could impact a COVID case.

Some still believe that the vaccine prevents COVID–it did when we had just the alpha variant, but with delta, it no longer prevents COVID, just makes your case less severe.

ALSO–it is definitely political with my sister and her family. She has joined a very right wing megachurch, and has all the “buzz words” down pat (my rights as a 'Murican, vaccine made too fast, gov’t lies to us, etc., etc., )

I spent my 40 year as a science teacher and administrator. I understand the science involved and stand by it.


No one has had boosters.

Son, 24, had second Moderna in May. He was high risk group so was first one to get Covid shots. He had very mild symptoms, runny nose, slight headache. Think he also had sore throat for one day.

I and youngest DD had our second shots of Moderna the end of June. She was at college, home for Thanksgiving, and tested negative before going back. I had massive congestion and slight cough. Gone in about a week.

Oldest DD who works at rehab/nursing facility got her second shot in September. Her facility was going to fire people if they didn’t have it. So she was the last one to start them. She also had runny nose and slight headache.

If DH hadn’t gotten so ill, and got tested, we all probably would have dismissed most of the symptoms. Everyone in our household, from the very start, was considered an essential worker, so have gone to work every day.

I will add my 82 year old MIL also tested positive for Covid . She has COPD and was sleeping a lot more then normal. When she fell in her bathroom, and couldn’t get up, my SIL had to call for an ambulance. They took her to ER where she also tested positive.

She was in the earliest group to get the Covid shot here in PA due to her age and health issues.

So MIL and DH started having symptoms around Nov 18/19th. The rest of us all tested around Thanksgiving and came up positive.

Thank you for sharing.
I am not up to date on vaccine protection and i guess have preferred blissful ignorance.
I am considering inviting a variety of unvaxxed, vaxxed, or immunocompromised people to gather, so i need to get up to date on how or whether such a gathering may be done safely.

Outdoors is probably the least risky way. In addition, you could have everyone take a rapid test when they get there, but that can be expensive if you are in the US.

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I know that I have relatives who think I am overreacting because I am not ready to hang out with them for the holidays this year. I don’t like saying no, but I am not interested in getting sick. I don’t care if I would likely get a mild case. I have a little granddaughter who can’t be vaccinated yet, so I am careful how I interact with people I am not certain are vaccinated or know are not vaccinated. I


My little town in northeast MA has 90 cases, up from 78 last week. Surging here after Thanksgiving. For months people have been going to stores and around town without masks. Cold weather, holidays and Delta. We still have Christmas and New Year’s to go.

ABC News: “You can’t get an appt. for a booster right now anywhere in Massachusetts”

what the heck is going on with the supply in Mass?

I just checked our local SoCal CVS and could schedule an appointment for a Pfizer (picked at random) booster within the next hour.

Maybe in the Boston area but I just tried western MA and there are plenty of appointments available this week. Like @bluebayou I just picked an area by random (oops see @bluebayou picked a manufacturer by random, I picked Moderna also at random)

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Also Pfizer available but a bit further out.

@splash1 fortunately she was feeling better today though not 100%

I’m fortunate that she trusts the science and has been amenable to taking necessary precautions. She wanted to get vaccinated as soon as she was eligible which was earlier than her peers since her PT job was at an essential business. However, after seeing how sick she was after the second shot, then again this weekend after the booster, I can see why some people are a little apprehensive or not as quick to go get a booster (esp healthy teenagers/young people who do not live with or regularly around immunocompromised people).

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@Hippobirdy I have been invited to several holiday gatherings
including Christmas Day. All have asked that only vaccinated folks attend
and one included that boosters were being asked for. Honor system, but these are groups that would not fib.

We know a whole family
.vaxed and boostered who got breakthrough cases. Wisely, they stayed away from our MIL who is close to 90. And they hadn’t seen her in over a week when they tested positive. Good.

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