Anyone have the book 5 SATS for sale?

<p>I'm trying to collect every study guide ever published for the SAT by the College Board. Does anyone have a book called "5 SATS"? If so, I'd really like to buy it from you. I think there's also suppose to be a book called "4 SATS" and "6 SATS" and I like to buy them as well. And I'm also looking to buy a booklet called "Taking the SAT" from the late 70's that had a a full practice test in it. Here's a link with a picture of the book "5 SATS":</p>

<p></a> 5 SATs: SCHOLASTIC APTITUDE TESTS: college board: Books</p>

<p>Please send me a PM if you have any of these books for sale. Thanks!</p>