<p>do you have to have a 4.0? or can you get 3.6-3.8...
do you have to join a sport?</p>
<p>I am not a Rhodes scholar, but I went through the process this fall. I won’t lie to you… it is DAMN hard to get a spot. Few make it past the University selection process…which in it of itself can be brutal if you go to a top university. We had 16-20 people competing for the Rhodes from all majors [Engineering to Politics] - all of them had above a 3.7, all of them were heavily involved in campus life and volunteerism, some played NCAA sports or at least collegiate level other sports. </p>
<p>1) No, you don’t need a 4.0. However, I would say that a 3.8 is going to be around the lowest that a school will choose from. Remember, your school nominates you. If you have a classmate with a 4.0 who can speak/write/do etc… as good as you - they will have a better chance. I was told point blank when starting to go through the process that my GPA was on the “low” end of even maybe having a shot and I had around a 3.8 at that time. </p>
<p>2) No, you do not have to play a sport. They have widened the definition to mean “extracurriculars” - what they want to see is commitment to a chosen area. If you play a musical instrument, or are involved heavily on campus, that should help. I do know though that sports have been traditionally been a big part of the process. When I was interviewed they certainly asked me about my sports background [I was part of a top intercollegiate level equestrian team]. </p>
<p>Also - just as a side note: be sure you have enough professors and work experience for the letters. I had to submit 5-8. That is a lot. Know who can write you a good rec in advance.</p>
<p>Additionally, even if you don’t get a Rhodes - don’t think that you cannot go to Oxford. Getting a Rhodes is sort of like the lottery - many try for it, few will even get close. However, if you are unsuccessful, try for a Oxford spot anyways. I did, and it worked out fine in the end. I know many others who have similar stories…</p>
<p>Of course, funding is a huge issue for internationals, so not getting funding may change plans…</p>
<p>there’s also an age limit. 24. disqualified my friend after his department selected him. he has a 4.0 and is a community activist. he’s still a bit bitter about it. he was only 26 at the time.</p>
<p>Just curious: Is it still considered extracurricular if you get payed a marginal salary for it?($4/hrs) For example a staff member of the campus press?</p>
<p>I know several Rhodes Scholars and they have little in common except for this:</p>
<li> They are very, very good at anything they do.<br></li>
<p>Most of them are multitalented. Strength in academics is a given, but they each have strengths outside traditional academics, and most often have some real passions, be it music, sports, or whatever. </p>
<p>Read the bios. They’re easy to find online.</p>