<p>I've read many college posts on this site, and the people posting are very intelligent and reasonable, so I figured I'd ask a question.</p>
<p>Anyway. A little back story. I'm a senior in high school and just got my second SAT scores back, which is 1700 all together, 1180 in English + Math. I'm about to start doing applications within a month, and I'm somewhat torn between two choices. I'm good at math but I also like the idea of medicine. So, I'm thinking of majoring in BioMedical Engineering, which has to do with math, and then possibly taking the MCAT and going to med school. Basically, I'm taking BME because I'm still undecided. Yeah...</p>
<p>ANYWAY, the actual question. Does anyone know good undergraduate colleges that offer BME classes and Pre-med, so I can double major in them, and then possibly go to med school. The reason I picked BME, is because if I somehow don't like medicine, then I still have BME.</p>
<p>P.S. -I live in NY, so the school HAS TO BE IN NY. As great as it would be to move away, I can't afford it.
-It has to be affordable. I'm in the lower middle class. I can't afford private colleges, unless they give me a lot of money in grants, scholarships, etc.
-My Average in school is 92. So I guess that's like 3.25GPA?
-My SAT is 1180 for Eng + Math. Hopefully it'll improve next time I take it.
-I've looked into Brooklyn College and CCNY.</p>
<p>I know this is a lot to ask of a student, but it would be great to get some feedback. Thanks in advance.</p>