<p>I have a friend, a distance runner, who is wondering what type of times she would need to get some 'help' getting into Dartmouth (her SAT score is solid, grades are on the low side but lots of APs). She didn't want to make an account so she asked me if I could post this on here for her. Anyone have any idea or any input? Or any input on athletics helping you in general?</p>
<p>in terms of times helping, it’s easiest to look at the dartmouth sports teams website, where you can find stats, etc ([DartmouthSports.comOfficial</a> Web Site of Dartmouth Varsity Athletics](<a href=“http://www.dartmouthsports.com%5DDartmouthSports.com%C2%97Official”>http://www.dartmouthsports.com)).</p>
<p>how good is dartmouth running? well, fwiw, ben true '08 will graduate this year and then move on to a career as a professional runner (mid distance).</p>
<p>i don’t think the track/xc team has too much sway on admissions but i’m sure coaches have tips (sports i’m more familiar with definitely do), and certainly contacting a coach won’t hurt.</p>
<p>i hope that wasn’t completely useless.</p>
<p>D has recruited a number of runners and other track & field athletes from our area, including Ben True, so I think it likely that the coaches do have some tips to use. For example, a nearby town’s HS had 3 ED admits last year: two were recruited runners and one was a legacy.</p>
<p>The best way to figure out if your times would generate any interest is to do some searching on the web and find the results of D track meets. Compare your times to those listed for D athletes. And contact the coach.</p>