<p>Anyone know of a good graduate program in school psychology? Thanks</p>
<p>What's your objective? Masters? Ph.D.? PsyD?</p>
<p>I don't have much advice to share. But, in helping Son noodle around for his own interests, we have determined that knowing what type of grad degree you want is the first step.</p>
<p>I'm looking for a master degree in school psychology.</p>
<p>Does vanderbilt offer a school psych masters? If so, it is probably a very good program since they are so good in the education fields. Also Columbia Teachers College maybe?</p>
<p>Do a search for NASP-approved programs (Nat’l Association of School Psychology). They have to meet a fairly rigorous criteria to be certified. At least it will help you to narrow down your search. Here in California, I believe there are only about a dozen programs that qualify, although many exist.</p>
<p>I wonder about the quality of the programs even with NASP. I have 2 state schools in CT that have masters programs in School Psych, but one seems less involved when you look at the curriculum. One school has less tuition and is closer to me which makes it desirable but I wonder about the differences in classes, etc. I suppose if the NASP thought both were fine, they are, but all the colleges vary a bit on what they want, GRE scores, etc.
Does it really matter in the long run as long as the program is approved and PhD programs are approved by the APA?</p>