Anyone regret majoring in biology?

<p>I majored in biology graduated with a 3.0 at UC. I regret not doing better in school and often think about what if I chose a marketable degree like engineering or accounting which would have landed me a high paying job out of college. I see some of my college friends who chose that and are now making good money and being independent. I for one had to move back home and rethink whether I want to further pursue my degree. Lets be honest here, getting a well paying job with just a biology undergrad degree is very difficult.</p>

<p>I majored in biology because I wanted to go to dental school. Basically if I don’t get into dental school there is really no health care job that interests me. I had to work ■■■■■■ jobs when I graduated college while living at home to pay off the loans. THats basically my situation atm. What happens to biology majors who don’t get into medical, dental, nursing etc… A part of me thinks I should just suck it up and find a health care profession that would accept my low gpa and just do that for a living, but a part of me just think thats its a miserable life. Want to hear your guys opinions. </p>

<p>How about doing post baccalaureate courses that prepare for dental program? Why did you wait till you finish UG? You could have minored in areas like computers or taken programming classes.</p>