Anyone see letter in route and been denied

Has anyone seen letter in route on their portal and been denied? My daughters status changed to letter in route two days ago, but has no pirate id or email address. I am starting to think letter in route is no difference from letter sent. I hope I am wrong.

update did you get in?

She was deferred and is now waiting for her final determination letter, her portal still says letter in route but she has no pirate e mail or Id, so we are thinking she probably did not get it in

Yes, son was deferred from early admission in the fall and his portal displayed as well the “letter in route” for last few weeks with no pirate email or id and he did NOT get in. Not sure their reason to drag it on forever but they did. So, the letter in route does NOT mean you are accepted and not sure why people put that on here. ECU has let kids in with 2.6 etc and my son had a 3.5, honors student , athlete etc and got denied. Makes no sense. Thankfully he has other offers but to wait until almost May 1 to give an answer on a deferral is ridiculous.

What were his test scores, they have a 990 sat minimum