Anyone watch the documentary "Try Harder"?

Agreed with you, I have liked seeing the panels that have some of the kids a few years on from the documentary. Sophia, in particular, seems very thoughtful. She has clearly spent some time thinking about these issues past the documentary and has some good insights on how she nows sees that college search time.

I also wish more people would watch this documentary just to have a better idea of how talented so many applicants are, and how reaches are reaches for everyone even those who are exceptional applicants. I think too often students and parents seem to think that the other applicants getting deferred or rejected at reach schools must not be that impressive. Just not true.


I keep thinking about this movie. I thought it was so great that they didnā€™t shy away from the tough stuff. Captured the rub between wanting a diverse environment yet believing in meritocracy. Also the angst of nobody really knowing their chances at selective schools or why some people get in and some people donā€™t.


I havenā€™t seen the movie. Just letting people know that there is currently a recall election going on for the three members of the San Francisco school board that were eligible for recall. (The other members hadnā€™t served long enough to be eligible for recall.) Among the many reasons people are trying to recall them is the one eliminating merit-based admissions at Lowell. All expectations seem to be that they will be recalled.


People following this thread might be interested in this event, which is available both virtually and in person (in San Francisco) on Monday, May 2nd: Surviving the High School Grind with Comedian Irene Tu | KQED Events