Anyone with advice/info on dual degrees or double major at VT?

I just wanted to ask if anyone has any experience with doing a dual degree or double major at Tech. I am interested in doing work in two areas, history and geography, but I wanted to see if the extra workload allows for time for clubs, being an RA, and involving myself in all that VT has to offer socially. I will be going in with at least 12 hours of AP credits (from exams taken so far). </p>

<p>If any of you have any advice or know of anyone who has done a dual degree or double majored I would appreciate any feedback you could give me! Thanks so much!</p>

<p>Hey! I’m not a college student (actually still a HS Junior), but I do know a few basics about double majoring because it’s something I want to do as well (Bio and Eng), and I know a few people doubling majoring (one at VT). First off, since those two fields aren’t terribly too far apart, it will be easier to double major with them because (as far as I know) they are in the same college. If they weren’t, like my prospective majors, it would be considerably harder because each college has their own set of general ed’s. As far as having enough time, that would depend on your study skills and your course load. Being a double major, odds are you will have to have more credit hours than a single major student or take a few summer sessions. It will all come down to how well you can handle a schedule. Personally, I think it’s very possible to have a double major plus a social life. </p>

<p>A dual degree is a lot harder (from my perspective) because you have to complete more credit hours. I don’t know the exact amount though. If these two areas are really important to you career aspirations, go for it. Just keep in mind that it will require even more time and effort than double majoring.</p>

<p>My advice is to keep a tidy schedule and be weary of your limits. Also, you don’t have to declare a double major/dual degree right off the bat. Take time and see how the regular rigor of college hits you. If worse comes to worse, you have to make one area a minor.</p>

<p>It depends on your major and you. If you’re dual majoring in Physics and Electrical Engineering, then you may have little to no life. But I don’t believe history and geography are very time intensive majors, so I think you’ll be fine. </p>

<p>But it all depends on you. Take around 15 credits your fall semester and see how you can manage it. Adjust as you go along.</p>