<p>I took an AP Bio practice exam (the new one) and I got 40/69 MC and 19/41 on FRQ which put me in the 3-4 range (with Kaplan's scoring system I got a 3, but with 5 Steps to a 5, I got a 4). </p>
<p>How do I improve on my MC and FRQ scores? Do I need to do more practice questions/essays? Should I read the textbook and/or read practice books? Watch videos? What should I review? </p>
<p>Please help. (My teacher thinks I'm not confident enough with myself, and she thinks that's the problem....) But I know it's because I need guidance on how to review.</p>
<p>I took AP Bio last year, and what really helped me to cram last year was watching Bozeman Biology videos on YouTube. They’re really helpful and very clear. Also, the most helpful test prep book I thought was the Barron’s. Hope that was helpful. Good luck on the test!</p>
<p>Cliffnotes 4th Edition is also a really great prep book! Practice tests always help. <a href=“http://www.learnerator.com/ap-biology”>http://www.learnerator.com/ap-biology</a> is a good site that has questions similar to the AP Bio exam format. Word of warning though; you have to pay in order to unlock difficult questions and to see explanations for incorrect answers
<p>Other than that, really review your concepts! I’ve taken last year’s test as well as the released 2012 practice test, and from what I’ve seen, it’s mainly interpreting data and experiments and applying concepts to it. It’s pretty difficult if you’re bad at critical thinking and analyzing (like me, haha) or if you don’t know your concepts well. Just study the lab portion of the Barron’s or Cliffsnotes book and the concepts. You don’t need to memorize specific facts or details, don’t worry about that. Good luck, and I hope you improve!</p>