AP biology topics---from Cambell Reece/Cliffs--necessary???

<p>Hey guys, I wanted to ask about several topics and thier importance on the AP biology Exam. I know CLIFFS is the best review guide and is a very good book to accoompany Campbell Reece but it also does not have several topics and I wanted to know whether they would appear on the AP exam..:</p>

<p>From CELL BIOLOGY: </p>

<p>1.) Will Cell communication- (i.e.- signal transduction, G protein, protein kinase, and cAMP secondary messegners) be asked?</p>

<p>For GENETICS:</p>

<p>1.) Will they ask about Gene Cloning - Cloning vectors, Polymerase chain reactions...gel electrophoresis, southern blotting, etc...
2.) Will Chapter 21 (6th edition Cambpell reece) called "The Genetic Basis of Development" be ask on the AP? Nothing from this chapter is in Cliffs...</p>

<p>For the 5 KINDOMS, how much silly detail will they ask about the millions of PHYLA to memorize!!? Will Cliffs be sufficient to memroize rather than Campbell???</p>

<p>For Animal PHYSIOLOGY - Will the last chapter (Sensory and Motor Mechanisms), other than the portion dealing with skeletal muscle contraction which is important, will the diagrams about eye, ear, and all the chemoreceptors, etc... detail be asked?</p>

<p>For ECOLOGY, are the wind currents, CLimates, all the Land details important? Or is basically ECOSYSTEMS, comm ecology, Behavioral Ecology, Population Ecology sufficient?? I feel like the introduction chapter and CONSERVATION ecology are worthless? Do you agree?</p>

<p>Finally, LAB RELATED, how many Multiple choice quesitons from LABS would be asked out of the 100 questions or is simply 1 free Response limited towards labs??</p>

<p>Any help really appreciated.. Thanks</p>

<p>The diagram of the eye was asked in 1990</p>

<p>Are you serious, do you think it will suddenly appear now?</p>

<p>no clue lol. I know it now because of 1990, so I don't really care. But it might, you never know...</p>

<p>Well, can anyone else give input regarding to my list of questions...im a bit worried about studying unnecessary topics for the exam</p>

<p>awesome thread. i would want to know too.</p>

<p>is there any point asking this though? I mean no onee is a psychic...no one knows what exactly will be on the exam...jus because it was on last year's exam doesn't and probably wont mean it will be on this year's. Just study and fill ur brain up with as much as u can.</p>

<p>Its not that. Its the fact that everyone says "cliffs is a god" and "if you study cliffs, you are bound to get a 5" Yet I wanted to know if Cliffs was a little lacking in material because it does not include everything from Cambell Reece. So thats why I am just asking these questions thats all.</p>


<p>any input?</p>

<p>Just read CliffNotes AP Biology.. if it's not good enough, use Princeton Review AP Biology/Barron's AP Biology</p>

<p>I bought CliffNotes & Student Study Guide For Biology Campbell Reece</p>

<p>why is cliffs better than other study guides?
i have a princeton review AP BIO, and my schoo uses campell&reese 6th
I want to know , maybe ill get cliffs.

<p>there are a lot stuff in the campell text book but not in the cliff notes. i m a bit worried if cliff have enough information for the test.</p>