<p>I'm currently a junior. I have 2 years of advanced world history (9th and 10th grade) and one year of advanced chemistry 1 (10th grade). I consider myself more of a science guy than a history guy (I was the smartest guy in my chemistry class but probably not my history classes). Basically, I learned everything in my chemistry class really well and everything in my world history classes decently.</p>
<p>I want to take one more AP test in one of these subjects, but I'm not sure which. So which is easier? And, what writes good prep books for the two subjects? Thanks.</p>
<p>Hmm, I just checked CB’s example MC questions for Chem and World History… the WH questions seemed to be a bit easier. Even though I’m a strong chem student, my chem 1 class didn’t cover all the topics and it seems as though I forgot a good amount. Or at least, I forgot enough about each topic to not be able to answer the sample questions very well.</p>
<p>WH didn’t seem too bad though. I randomly looked at like 12 questions and got 8 or 9 of them right. So, with some good old studying, it shouldn’t be too bad. What are the good prep books for WH?</p>
<p>For WH definitely the Princeton Review.
I read it a couple of days before the exam and got a 5…it really has everything you need to know. </p>
<p>I’m taking AP Chem this year and I took Chem I last year…I too was really good at chem I, but I do not suggest you try the AP Chem exam without having taken the AP class as there are a lot of new concepts presented in the AP class.</p>