For my junior year schedule, I have one open period for which I have not decided the class that I should take. My three choices are AP Computer Science, AP Biology, and AP Art History. I’m not sure which class would be best to take, for they all sound equally interesting, so I was wondering how each would look on my schedule in terms of college admissions.
(a little background information):
AP Comp Sci - I don’t have a career/technology credit (but I’m not sure if colleges really care or not)
AP Bio - I’ve taken honors bio | I’m also taking AP Physics 2 (so double science) | I would like to take SAT Subject Test for this class if it would help
AP Art History - I have no fine arts credit whatsoever, and I do not play an instrument (not sure if art history will help make up somewhat for my lack in the fine arts area or not)
I’m not quite sure about what I want to major in college yet, but I tend to enjoy things like international relations, foreign language, and law, so my major will probably be somewhere in that area… Very sorry for the long introduction, but, anyways, which class would look best for college applications (taking into account my 5 other core-class AP’s junior year)? Any answers are greatly appreciated-- thanks!
Forgo AP art history, I would take bio if i were you
It really depends upon your intended major in college and if any colleges you are targeting require a fine arts class as a requirement. The UC’s and Cal States do require a year of visual or fine art as a requirement to apply. AP Art History would not only fulfill this requirement, it could also allow you to opt out of a humanities GE at the college you plan to attend with a passing score on the AP exam.
Most colleges would like to see you take for science classes: Physics, Bio and Chemistry. My older son took Honors Bio/AP Chem/AP Physics and had no issues getting into some good schools. You can always save AP Bio for Senior year or take AP Bio this year and take AP Art History senior year.
as to art history: if you have a CC near you, check out fine arts summer offerings. As example, a history of cinema class (watching movies) might be more enjoyable way to satisfy hs fine arts req and earn college credit at same time.
@Gumbymom I had no idea that the UC’s and Cal States required a year of visual/fine arts. Thank you so much for the information
Now I definitely want to take AP Art History sometime before graduation.
@Jugulator20 I hadn’t thought of that… really good idea. Thanks!