<p>AP Comparative Religion
AP Philosophy
AP Portuguese
AP Arabic
AP Greek
AP Latin American History
AP International Relations
AP Sociology
AP Drama
AP Linguistics
AP Law</p>
<p>Haha... someone ought to write a really long letter... or a petition or something. Reading through some past pages in this thread, I've come across some AWESOME AP ideas. It's too bad the College Board hasn't yet offerred such courses. Wow, I am WAY too obsessed with AP. Oh well... I'm graduating this year so all of this is just dreams, dreams, dreams....</p>
<p>AP Dreaming ;) Now there's a test we'd all get 5's on :D</p>
<p>But, in all serious, these could really work- I don't know why College Board has not started these.</p>
<p>AP Philosophy
AP Sociology
AP Theatre (History and Video Portfolio)</p>
<p>Does anyone else agree that the AP English courses (Lit and Lang) need to be totally reworked? The curriculum is terrible. Maybe make them thematic or according to era</p>
<p>While it would be enjoyable during the year, I can see that it might be bad for procrastinators like me, because then I would have to sit in the cafeteria for hours before AP exams, stuffing myself to complete the AP Lunch portfolio.</p>
<p>some of these are serious, some aren't:
AP CS/Xbox...exam is a tournament? dunno haha</p>
<p>AP Poetry (kind of like English Lit, I know)</p>
<p>AP Expository Writing (kind of like English Lang, but not)</p>
<p>AP Social Skillz</p>
<p>AP How to Dress Yourself</p>
<p>AP Popular Culture Awareness (where you just watch a bunch of essential movies and learn who all these random musicians are that you always hear about but have never actually heard)</p>