AP Music Theory beneficial for theory placement tests

<p>I'm currently taking AP music theory at my high school right now and I came about a little bit of concern. My top choice school, NYU, doesn't take AP Music Theory for AP credit. However, their music tech program requires a theory placement test for all music students. Even if I can't use my AP credit from Music Theory, considering I pass the test, will the class itself still be beneficial?</p>

<p>I assuming my knowledge prior to the placement test will help me get a high score that will get me placed into a maybe more advanced class than lets say Music Theory 101 or Music Theory I (I'm just making up class names).</p>


<p>Taking the AP class can’t hurt you and, depending upon the school, might allow you to test into a higher section. Just to let you know, when my D entered her undergrad conservatory in 2009, many of the kids had taken AP Music Theory, but only one was allowed to move up a section.</p>

<p>I agree that taking AP music theory can’t hurt, and might help with placement exams. S2’s school did allow those who scored a 4 or 5 in AP to skip the first semester of music theory. They also had a placement exam for everyone else. S2 was surprised that many freshmen were placed in remedial MT. A couple (maybe 3 or 4) tested into 2nd semester. </p>

<p>Regarding placing out of 1st semester MT - S2 (current freshman) has mixed feelings. Although he had covered some material in AP that wasn’t covered in 1st semester MT, the reverse was true as well. He has had to do quite a bit of catch up. Not insurmountable, but he sees the benefit of starting the MT sequence at the beginning.</p>

<p>Every school’s theory classes and sequences are a little different, so I think it can be a good idea to begin at the beginning regardless of the placement test, unless you are going to be truly bored, which is unlikely.</p>