<p>I broke my leg, and was out for almost a month due to surgeries and such. As a result, at semester I got a D in AP Physics. I applied to UCB, UCD, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, and Cal Poly SLO. WHAT DO I DO???</p>
<p>that sounds so sketchy…how about ur other classes? only AP physics (one of the hardest AP’s???)</p>
<p>Will your high school allow you to retroactively withdraw for health reasons.</p>
<p>UCs won’t accept you with Ds… unless you explain your circumstances i think. im not sure. it depends on your other classes and how well you did in them</p>
<p>i have a’s and b’s in everything else. I can’t withdraw retroactively. Will the circumstances be considered enough of a reason?</p>
<p>Just get 5s on the AP test.</p>
<p>the AP test won’t help with admissions, will it?</p>
<p>No, it will be too late.</p>
<p>So, what do I do now?</p>
<p>you should just apply to a safety school or consider a JC and save some money. You should learned those electromagnetism and thermodynamics, brutha. Nah, I think you’ll get at least accepted to one. Just don’t take my spot at SLO, jk. Cheers, you’ll be alright if you did alright in everything else.</p>
<p>you go to see your counselor, have them get in touch with the people in UC admissions, and find out what you can do. I’m pretty sure colleges have policies to deal with applicants that run into medical problems. Your counselor can help you find out what they are.</p>