AP Psych Recap

<p>For schizophrenia medication I am almost positive they were looking for Parkinson's-related symptoms like muscle tremors, because they were so focused on the dopamine hypothesis.</p>

<p>But overdose is totally a risk!!!! Who cares about muscle tremors when you can actually DIE.</p>

<p>Yeah, but they don't usually store stock answers. You need to show an in-depth, specific, understanding.</p>

<p>The best answer you could have put for symptoms for taking medication would be Tardive Dyskinesia. For the circadian rythym, what was most correct was saying that people feel most grogy in the afternoon (when people take siestas) and at around 4 am. As a result, she might not be energetic enough to talk and make friends.</p>

For circadian rhythm I honest to god wrote that Ellie lived in an African tribe where they slept during the day and were active at night and now that she moved to the U.S. where its backwards her circadian rhythm couldn't adjust itself so she slept during the day and was active at night so she missed her psychology club meetings which were during the day so she couldn't make friends. THAT TOTALLY COUNTS RIGHT?


<p>Wow, that is hilarious! rofl...I wish I was as brilliant as you in my answers, all of mine were rather boring.</p>

<p>One question though: does circadian rhythm ONLY refer to sleep? I just talked about how her mood was at a low-energy point in the cycle...but I'm guessing that's wrong. Can somebody confirm?</p>

<p>I also used chunking for the mneumonics...I said there was a group of four girls at the back of the room named Fergie, Ophelia, Ursula, and Rebecca, and that she would be able to remember this little group of girls' names by thinking of them as "The FOUR". So for what it's worth, I DID mention Fergie in my essay.</p>

<p>i had 25 minutes to spare the MC and the essays(i think i did essays really fast because my teacher usually made us do the essays in half of normal time, so im used to going fast.). I hated the first essay question though. It was the dumbest ever. How was i supposed to relate circadian rythm to making friends. Most of them were incredibly stupid too, like mnemonic devices (though i came up with an idea for remembering names).</p>

<p>wait...i just realized what the proper response to circadian rythem probably was. Now that i think about it, the only thing that would make sense to inhibit making friends would be menstruation. She could be on her period and have hard time making friends because she is PMSing and being all B****y to everyone.</p>

<p>oh and about jet lag (as Jenz mentioned). It said recently started attending school there and had gone to some(keyword) psych club meetings.
I dont think jet lag works because it never said she moved (i was going to use jet lag till i reread the prompt and realized that she didnt move) and also, that she had obviously been there for days because she didnt attend just one meeting but a few.</p>