AP Psych Recap

<p>alright did that 1st FR question cover too much information, or am i just a slow writer?</p>

<p>seeing as I've never been able to completely finish all my AP essays it just might be that</p>

<p>but I still think that we should be given more time for the FRQ, because it was definitely alot of information (with examples for each) to write with another essay in 50 minutes</p>

<p>I was able to finish the whole thing with almost 10 minutes to spare. I don't write a ton, but I definitely think I write enough. I like the fact that its such a short time period.</p>

<p>Overall, I was surprised how easy the exam was for me. I just started looking over the Barron's book last week and probably spent a total of 10 hours looking at it. To go into a test only spending 10 hours on the material and walk out feeling like you got a 5 is pretty nice. Its the total opposite of what I felt after the Physics B exam yesterday. That was a full year of class for what is likely going to be a 2.</p>

<p>how picky are they on wordings in FR? For a question about a certain hypothesis, i said there were excess receptors, instead of saying an excess of the actual chemical. and for the last part of the last one I reversed the two disorders and pointed out different characteristics of one when it asked what characteristics differentiated the other one from that one. I hope they read between the lines..</p>

<p>The Exam Was A Joke!</p>

<p>FR was a complete joke. it was excess of "that chemical" they wanted. I thoought i missed probably 15-20 on m.c. with the rest right, so hopefully i'm in 5 range.</p>

<p>FR1 was a cinch.... it was easy to BS because it practically sets you up for BSing anyway. I mean they just toss together a bunch of words and expect you to relate them in some way.</p>

<p>And then FR2, I wish I had studied that more, but still real easy.</p>

<p>That said.. I don't really wanna jinx myself, so I'm just gonna pretend it was REALLY hard.</p>

<p>multiple choice- flew through it- exactly (almost word for word) as practice tests- only 4 i wasn't sure of</p>

<p>fr1- piece of cake- just applying vocab</p>

<p>fr2- a little harder- i put lack of (you-know-what) as the cause- thinking of something else</p>

<p>definitely a 5</p>

<p>lol. wow. sooo did anyone have the myers text book & studyguide? sparknotes practice test helped ALOT.</p>

<p>what's the cutoff for a 5- 80%?</p>

<p>i agree with musikal greek. seriously word for word.....i was like whoa.</p>

<p>it was really easy, and i knew how to answer everything at first glance but i didn't finish</p>

<p>so i guess its just me being a really really slow writer</p>

<p>have to work on that >.></p>

<p>i wrote like 2 pages for the first one. i kept crammin examples in. i was like whoa...</p>

<p>I had about ten wrong on the MC, and the FRQs were fun :)
I did forget the medical term for one part of number 2 though, I don't think they'll take too much off for that though.</p>

<p>hmmm I 4got wut the 4th part on 1a...
1st one also took alot of time simply cuz i was writing an example for every one of them...my hand hurt after -_-
2nd fr was much easier for me...
MC was much easier than the practice tests (previous ap mc's) imo...</p>

<p>ya i thought so...considering how they just copy and pasted the same questions lol</p>

what's the cutoff for a 5- 80%?


<p>Take away 20%.</p>

<p>Anyways, I agree with what most of you were saying. It was almost identical to most of the practice tests I've done, and I found it as easy (if not easier) as I had hoped it would be. I was slightly surprised with the question they chose for the second FR. There's usually something similar to the first question every year, but the second was in a domain I was sure I'd never see in the FR section. Luckily, I studied that part in depth.</p>

<p>Apart from the test itself, the testing session was pretty eventful. 50 minutes into the MC, a girl in the exam room fainted. The exam was being held in a portable that doesn't have any airconditioning, and if anyone else here lives in Toronto, you can probably know why that was a problem on this particular day. So, I was about to finish the MC section when I hear a loud noise behind me, and the proctor was freaking out, and all of a sudden, there were about 5 teachers and the principal rushing into the room. They called an ambulance, and everyone had to exit the portable. We sent outside, and a teacher supervised us to make sure we were quiet and not discussing the exam content, and then, about 45 minutes later, the girl that had fainted was taken away in an ambulance, and we went back into the room to resume testing. So many of the students were freaked out, and the proctor was handing out water bottles.</p>

<p>I though it was easy enough. Maybe 5-7 wrong on mc, and decent frqs...</p>

<p>if only clac and bio had been so easy...</p>

<p>the mc was extrmely easy i probably got 85+ right but the essays were insane....the second essay was ok but i bsed most of the fist one...</p>

<p>I realize I may have gotten as many as 95 right on the MC, and I killed both essays, as they said to apply the words to the situations. Thus I believe this was one of my better 5 scores.
BTW, nice job rockermcr on becoming a senior member inside a Psychology thread.</p>

<p>How many of you self-studied?</p>