<p>Does Columbia require official AP score reports?</p>
<p>Does Columbia require official AP score reports?</p>
<p>Not required, but you should do it anyway.</p>
<p>Do they say it’s encouraged?</p>
<p>I didn’t, and I got in.</p>
<p>To get credit once you’re admitted, I think they do.</p>
<p>If you don’t want to send them now, you can send them when you take your ap tests at the end of the year – just list whichever college you’re going to on the form and they’ll go there. So you don’t need to send them now for credit.</p>
<p>If I put Columbia down when I take APs in May, will they only get the results for those tests? or do they get all tests that I’ve taken, like with the SAT?</p>
<p>they get all. just like how all show up on your score report each year even ones from previous years.</p>
<p>okay, thanks!</p>