AP strength?

<p>I will have taken 17 AP classes.
Will this fact help me a lot during the administration process?</p>

<p>freshmen - Physics B</p>

<p>Sophomore - Calculus BC, Physics C Mechanics + Electromagnetic, World History</p>

<p>Junior - Stats, US History, Biology, Env. Science, English Language, Spanish Language</p>

<p>Senior - Government, Eco, English Lit, Spanish Lit, Psychology, Comp. Sci, Chemistry</p>

<p>Thank you</p>

<p>that depends on how well you did in the classes and on the tests.</p>

<p>i must ask… is this true? i’ve never heard of a school that allows students to take this many. or are you homeschooled/self-studying?</p>

<p>No. APs tend to hurt your chances of acceptance to most good schools.</p>

<p>lol. love that response.</p>

<p>Yeah it is true.
I excelled in math, so i skipped bunch of math levels. and I was doing precal during freshmen year so they let me take physics B.
I got straight As and competing for val/sal. </p>

<p>Khaki, HOW can it hurt me?</p>

<p>i’m asking how much of a help it will be.
a huge amount?</p>

<p>khaki’s kidding. and yes, it’ll help. obviously. maybe not as huge as you might be hoping for - i.e. automatic acceptance - but it will show colleges that you’re brilliant and hard-working, and that you’d be competitive in any environment. </p>

<p>how are your ECs and standardized test scores?</p>

<p>Obviously I was being facetious. I don’t understand why people even ask questions like this.</p>

<p>“Will a 2400 SAT help me?”
“Will being captain of a sports team help me?”</p>

<p>The answer is yes. What you want us to say is “yes, you will automatically be accepted wherever you want,” but if you think about it, you know we’re not going to say that and that, if we did, we wouldn’t really have any idea what we were talking about.</p>

<p>Kahki, calm down, i get it.</p>

<p>:) - simply :). haha thank you. well i’m a junior and doing well for both ECs and test scores. i was just curious about how much of a help those ap classes would be. but i appreciate your offer to help me more by asking my ECs and SAT/ACT!</p>

<p>It will be a help of 7.</p>

<p>I honestly don’t know what you’re asking or why you’re asking a bunch of other students who really don’t have a good understanding of how admissions decisions are made at the school (we don’t know that) you are applying to.</p>

<p>I don’t mean to pick on you, but I think like most people on this forum what you’re really looking for here is reassurance, rather than actual information. If not, then I hope you realize that as good of a resource as this place may be, it’s not really going to be all that helpful in evaluating whether you get in to top colleges, aside from allowing you to compare yourself to others.</p>

<p>HEY! I thought I was the only one who has taken 17 AP classes… I also have 17 ap classes. :slight_smile: it’s not easy because you are studying to get a 5 on 6 exams at once rather than one exam each year etc… You have a different order than me :</p>

<p>Freshman: AP European</p>

<p>Soph: AP World history, AP Biology, AP Government (favorite class)</p>

<p>Junior: AP English Lang, AP Environmental Science, AP Chemistry, AP Calculus BC, AP US History, AP Computer Science A, AP Latin Literature</p>

<p>Senior: AP English Lit, AP Physics B/C, AP Stats, AP Human geo, AP Music theory, AP Latin Vergil</p>

<p>khaki, honestly, i don’t give a crap about reassurance,
what’s that gonna do for me when i apply?</p>

<p>It will help your application.</p>


<p>Nobody here can tell you anything about this that you don’t already know.</p>

<p>Are you bragging?? That’s incredible; well done.</p>

<p>this is by far the most entertaining forum. khaki is sarcastically hilarious. and how you everyone reacts to him is pretty great.</p>

<p>i must say though, I kind of agree with khaki’s claim on the whole reassurance thing. Well at least its definitely the case for me. </p>

<p>Johnny lee, yes that your ap’s are a big plus for admittance. gives you an edge. hopefully though thats not the only thing you can bring to the table.</p>

<p>make sure you also convey to the admissions officers that you are indeed human, not some psychopathic maniac. make sure you’re involved in other activities and such. otherwise, taking that many ap classes won’t help you much; in fact, i know for a fact that at some colleges, it may actually be detrimental.</p>

<p>Dude. 17 APs?! You should be taking at least 30…</p>

<p>mister wow you are hilarious, cuz khaki already made that joke.</p>

<p>thank you ykim and chescake</p>

<p>Stop attacking your critics and know that NOBODY can give you a definite answer, not even an admissions officer… </p>

<p>You’re doing fine. I hope your grades and scores are as good as your spirit in taking so many challenging classes. You should be AP National Scholar by application time with that load if your scores are at par. That designation could definitely help you.</p>

<p>I don’t think Johnny’s attacking his critics, he’s thanking those who actually give him good advices! LOL
It seems this thread is pretty much over, but good luck Johnny!</p>