Apples vs oranges (UNC+Honors vs Fordham)

Just for the record, attendance at Fordham will still cost this student about $25,000 per year. At least that’s how it works for my nephew who currently has a full tuition scholarship there. He still has to pay room & board, fees, books etc. Not much different than in state costs at a public in his state. The net savings is a still significant $32,000 (approx) vs UNC.

This is all fabulous inside intel, thanks! I believe my daughter is the exact kind of quirky that Fordham Honors is designed for; AFAIK those invites haven’t gone out yet for Rose Hill and that would definitely seal the deal for her.

It’s good to know there’s lots of mentorship available, because that’s part of what I worried she’d miss if she turned down UNC. Sounds like, even if UNC offers that support with these special programs, it’s just built into the natural fabric of the Fordham experience, which is awesome.


If she feels strongly that this program would be a great fit for her, I think it wouldn’t hurt to express to the school how enthusiastic she is about joining–it can’t hurt!

That said, if she doesn’t end up getting invited I would encourage her not to see it as a rejection or a deal breaker. Every year prospective students and parents wonder why they weren’t invited. They worry that Fordham doesn’t think they are “honors material,” or they assume that other schools must “want me more.” Some even get a little insulted, thinking “Who is this Fordham not to invite me to honors, when more famous schools have?” But it is just an extremely tiny program (smaller than any other honors program I have ever seen) and it invites holistically, aiming for a balance of different perspectives including gender, race, ethnicity, geography, income, major etc. That means some extremely strong students are left out (often students who had better stats than those invited.)


If she feels strongly that this program would be a great fit for her, I think it wouldn’t hurt to express to the school how enthusiastic she is about joining–it can’t hurt!

Yes, she’s done this! The whole application process has been a great opportunity to learn adulting skills like self-advocacy.

That said, if she doesn’t end up getting invited I would encourage her not to see it as a rejection or a deal breaker.

Super helpful framing, thank you.


My daughter attended a different, selective College in NYC - and her full-year internship was with with a research project affiliated with a completely different, selective NYC university.

One advantage of NYC is, professors in one field might network (and/or reach out) across institutions. You might have your professor suggest opportunities he is aware of at a different university, a few subway stops away.


I was writing to agree with somebody (forgot who) who wrote that research could be obtained at a large public and they wanted to clarify. I didn’t mean to imply otherwise, and if I did I apologize.

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Oh no problem! No offense taken by me at all, and everything you say is totally correct.


Yes, I have been surprised to see collaboration among professors at so many universities in NYC: various CUNYs, Barnard/Columbia, Fordham, NYU, New School etc.


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