Application cancelled

It shows that my application for UCR was cancelled. If I contact the admissions office what will they do? Will they uncancel it for me?

Why was it cancelled?

@goldenbear2020 i dont know, it said i cancelled my application but I didnt

If you did not cancel it, of course you should call and find out the situation. Why would you not, if it is a school you are hoping to attend?

Last April, my daughter’s admissions was cancelled by the university in which she had accepted admissions, had chosen her dorm with a roommate, and had already signed up for New Student Orientation.

We found out about it because I had received an email from her Bursar account, refunding the $200 housing deposit, 3 weeks after the actual cancellation. I called to inquire why I receive a refund and the whole mess unraveled.

They had already reassigned her dorm room to someone else, un-enrolled her from NSO, etc.

A prospective student with a very similar name had replied to a generic solicitation email from the college, asking to to removed from any further emails, that she had committed elsewhere. Some dumb person decided to un-enroll my daughter, without any form of ID, Campus ID number, etc, based on a solicitation email because they had the same first and last name, but different middle initials, emails, etc and that other girl wasn’t even admitted yet.

Long story short, they got it all straitened out and she was readmitted, took going over someone’s head to get her original room assignment back, but it all worked out.

If something changes that you did not change, you always want to follow up on it.

So will they be able to find put how my application was cancelled by ip address? @Thelma2

If you cancelled it by accident, I would tell them that.

Not sure why you’re asking about IP addresses, just call and see what happened if you didn’t cancel your application and you don’t want it to be canceled. It’s pretty straightforward, unless there’s something you’re not telling us.

@briank82 what I am saying is there a way they can find who cancelled my applications because I dont want then to not believe that it wasnt me that cancelled my application

Huh? What’s the issue here? If you did not cancel it and it is showing as canceled, then call the school ASAP to get it straightened out.

I understand your concern, but the important thing right now is to call and get it straightened out.

They’re more than likely not going to know who did it and probably don’t care to take the energy to find out. The system has been glitchy this year so you can use that in your favor to say your application has been cancelled but you didn’t initiate it.

You need to call them ASAP.