<p>when do you find out your decision? is it rolling or do u find out around april 1st?</p>
<p>Rolling from Tomorrow to End of March, i believe</p>
<p>The site says:</p>
<p>“Decision Notifications sent in mid-March”</p>
<p>[Georgia</a> Institute of Technology :: Undergraduate Admission :: Admission Deadlines](<a href=“Blow the Whistle! (404 error: page not found) | Undergraduate Admission”>http://www.admission.gatech.edu/deadlines/)</p>
<p>Doesn’t seem to be rolling to me, but I could be wrong…?</p>
<p>Many do come earlier than mid-March. My son got his acceptance before Christmas (not PSP).</p>
<p>i got my acceptance in december so theres no way that every1 has to wait till march</p>
<p>If you have not yet been notified of acceptance or deferral and applied regular decision, you will not receive notification until mid-March. Georgia Tech does not have rolling admissions, unless you are a transfer applicant.</p>