Applying as an Undergraduate freshmen?

<p>So I have previously attended another private university as a freshmen for one semester. After that semester I had to leave for medical reasons. </p>

<p>I decided I'd rather start anew at another university, as opposed to returning to the university I was at. </p>

<p>My question is if I can just apply as a freshmen again instead of a transfer. I only did one semester as a college student and I was disadvantaged by my medical turmoil. As such, the grades I received during that semester were poor.</p>

<p>Rather than carry over a mere 1 semester of bad grades to another university, can I just apply as a freshmen to the university of miami and start afresh? </p>

<p>Is there any reason why I couldn't do that? </p>

<p>Is there a strict rule against this type of thing, or is it simply my prerogative what I do?</p>

<p>I realize generally universities ask that you inform them of any universities you have previously attended, but ultimately, isn't it up to me if I chose to withhold that and start with a clean slate, so long as I understand I will be not receiving any credit from the previous institution?
Especially since it was only one semester... </p>

<p>Can anyone elaborate on this matter please?!</p>

<p>If you went a college already you would have to apply as a transfer</p>



<p>There is a strict rule. If you lie on your application your acceptance will be revoked. If they do not discover the lie until you are enrolled, you will be expelled.</p>

<p>If you applied for financial aid at your first college, there is a record. You would also have to get a high school reference and they will have records that you applied and enrolled last elsewhere last year. Also, if you pretend to have taken a gap year, you will have to explain what you are doing, another lie.</p>

<p>Completely agree. Plus, I’m sure if you explain what happened in your essay, they’ll definitely take that into consideration. If you had good grades and scores out of high school, those will have a much bigger bearing on your chances for acceptance than that one semester of college. Apply normally as a transfer, and explain your situation in your essay or in the additional info section of the application.</p>

<p>Thanks for the information.</p>

<p>So, if I did get in how is my one previous semester grades added to my new transcript? Am I allowed any say if I want those credits to transfer, or is it simply if they transfer you have to include them on your transcript?</p>