
<p>I wa already accepted to Bama but my college scout at school is telling me to apply to more school! I saw some moms on here and I wanted to know what your opinions were on this! How many did you all apply too?</p>

<p>What is a college scout? </p>

<p>You can apply to other schools if you want. But, if your parents are happy with Bama, and they’re fine with any associated costs, and you want to go to Bama, then you don’t have to apply elsewhere.</p>

<p>If you’re positive you want to go to Bama, you can cover the cost and you don’t think there’s any chance you’ll change your mind over the course of senior year, then there’s no need to apply elsewhere. However, keep in mind that things come up and circumstances can change. It’s probably not a bad idea to have a school closer to home as a backup in case there’s a need or desire to be closer to family when the time comes. Some high schools encourage their top students to apply to a number of top schools to boost the high school’s numbers - I wouldn’t bother with that. FWIW, my D applied to 5 schools total, but she didn’t have a top choice when she was doing her applications.</p>

<p>It’s good to have choices. By April 2013, when your friends are trying to decide where to go, you may wish you could, too. Apply to a couple more.</p>

<p>The world is entrophy…if the tornado had not turned…UA might have
lost a year rebuilding. Apply to at least one safety/fallback school.</p>