Architectural engineering at alabama


My son wants to major in architectural engineering at alabama.

Any thoughts?

I’m curious about job prospects. Is this an “in demand” major? Opinions on the alabama program etc.

Thanks much

My daughter is an architectural engineering major (not at Alabama). If her internship opportunities are any indication, job prospects are just fine.

Architectural engineering tends to be a smaller major and has a variety of concentrations. You might want to look in more detail at course offerings at the school’s you are considering.

If I remember correctly, the program at Alabama is new–I don’t think it existed yet when my daughter was applying. You might want to investigate the accreditation of the program and make sure that is in place. Licensure is important in civil and architectural engineering and an ABET program will be necessary for that.

Thanks for the response.

The CE program is abet. The website however doesn’t indicate if the AE program is or not. I think it’s only two years old. I think they have to graduate a class before the can become certified.

For a new program, it looks like they have a decent number of students already. I’d just call and ask about the accreditation process.

Very useful. Thanks