Architecture and Industrial Design

How hard is it to get into Architecture or Industrial Design at VT? GPA range? SAT range?

VT has an interesting statistics engine link for all colleges. 2016 breakdowns are provided for gender, ethnicity, SAT scores (75, 50 and 25 percentiles), GPA and class rank. Too much info to put in the comments here.

Does Virginia tech use a 5.0 scaled for admissions because a lot of people are posting their gpa around 4.4. Also on there website they said they used a 5.0 scale in 2004 but I don’t know if they still continue it. Thank you for your help

@Yolo0101, I believe for statistics purposes and general comparison they use a 5.0 scale. However, for admissions they will consider all GPAs based upon the high school’s reported grading system. In other words, VT recognizes that some schools only use a 0-100 scale (for example, a 93-96 is an A or a 4.0 on the College Board conversion scale, no weighting), some a 4.0 scale (no weighting), and some 5.0, 6.0 or higher, with grade weighting.

So if my school uses a 4.0 gpa scale. Do I need to convert it to a 5.0 scale?

You don’t need to do anything. Your school submits your transcript; the university converts it.

Thank you very much. I hope to hear a decision on Monday.