Archives studies

<p>I am very interested in archival management as a career. I realize that it's a very competitive field, but that's why I want to pick a good grad school with plenty of connections to get me going. For anyone who knows about the field, does anyone know if it's easier to get a job with a specific degree, like MA in history vs. Library Sciences vs. archival studies. I have questions about a few specific schools. I definitely want to stay in the Northeast. I live in Westchester, NY, so if I went to school in Manhattan, I'd probably live with my parents and commute or possibly get an apartment in Brooklyn or Queens and commute to Manhattan.</p>

<p>Pratt: Their library science program seems very diverse, with many different emphases. How good are scholarships, fellowships, assistantships, etc?</p>

<p>NYU: Just how competitive is their program for archival studies? Because it's a big name, is it any different from the other two and if so, why and how? Also, how good are scholarships, fellowships, assistantships, etc?</p>

<p>Simmons College: I am in love with idea of getting a dual degree in history and archives, which they offer. Again, how good are scholarships, fellowships, assistantships, etc?</p>

<p>With such specific questions about small graduate programs, you aren’t likely to find many answers here. You should talk to professors at those programs and ask to be put in touch with current students in those programs. Go right to the source.</p>

<p>Thanks. I appreciate the advice.</p>