<p>As the title state, are amazing extracurriculars needed to have any chance at all at the Ivys particularly if grades are not perfect (For the purpose of this question, use a UW GPA of 3.8 and an SAT of 2250 which may or may not be my actual grades for privacy purposes). So should I just not waste any money in applying to them assuming my grades are the aforementioned ones.</p>
<p>You need to stand out from all the other thousands of applicants with 3.8s and 2250s. Amazing ECs are one way to do it. Unusual life experiences or unique perspectives is another way to do it, as reflected in your essays and letters of rec. And sometimes, people just make a compelling case for themselves - it happens. </p>
<p>My suggestion is to apply to a reach or two, but don’t get emotionally invested. If it happens, great. If not (and expect this outcome), you’ll have a list of great choices that were good matches for your stats. (And always have at least one safety that you can afford and be happy at!)</p>
<p>You need it to stand out. Then, simply apply and pray hard!</p>
<p>Standing out, despite what you read on CC, is not about working on a cure for cancer raising some big bucks for charity, having an overload of APs or being president of 10 hs clubs. 3.8uw/2250 would be what I call “in range.” But, it’s not all about stats. Competition is fierce and admit chances depend on your “holistic” review.<br>
So, consider “the rest of your story.” Rigor, rank, the validity of your activities/responsibilities and the “great kid” part that comes through in the CA. That matters. But, only apply to the ones you have researched well enough to truly see your fit (ie, how you view it and how they are likely to.) Find safeties you love. Good luck.</p>
<p>Your qualifications at least give you a shot at virtually any college. So flip the question around. What does one of the Ivies (or any other school) need to have any chance at YOU? What are you really looking for in a college, other than a flashy brand name?</p>
<p>Here’s one perspective on America’s top colleges:
[America’s</a> Best Colleges List](<a href=“http://www.forbes.com/top-colleges/list/]America’s”>Forbes America’s Top Colleges List 2022)
As you can see, it spreads 7 of the Ivies through the top 50. So, 43 other schools go toe-to-toe with the Ivies by this ranking’s standards. Or, consider full-need financial aid, which is covered by 47 schools (including the Ivies): [Need-blind</a> admission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Need-blind_admission]Need-blind”>Need-blind admission - Wikipedia). 39 other schools go toe-to-ties with the Ivies by this standard as well.</p>
<p>USNWR must be the only major college ranking that clusters all 8 of the Ivies in the top 20 (and then only by excluding small liberal arts colleges). If you look at other college rankings, or at outcomes like median starting salary and earned PhDs per capita, or at individual quality measurements like average class size, you’ll see dozens of other colleges that go toe-to-toe with the Ivies. </p>
<p>You’d have an excellent shot at admission to most of these other schools. If you give them a chance, you may find you like some of them better than most (or even all) of the Ivies.</p>
<p>Bravo, TK.</p>
<p>Thanks for all the advice and suggestions, everyone. </p>
<p>I’m not looking for a flashy name. Of course I don’t want an entirely obscure name but I don’t want the pomposity that comes with an Ivy university. I’m applying to Cornell as a reach to be a Biology major and taking the premed track. But that’s the only Ivy that I plan to apply to. I’m also applying to UNC, Duke University as a reach, Emory, University of Virginia though I’m not too sure how great or not great their premed advisory services are let alone their biology department though I wouldn’t expect it to be bad considering the prestigious name. Tufts is also on the board. I’ve researched the colleges and I like each of them: I particularly like Cornell and UNC.</p>
<p>I think my essay has a good idea behind it though I’m not too sure just if it’s actually as unique as I may believe.
Sent from my Xoom using CC</p>
<p>Either you don’t know much about most Ivies or you don’t know what “pomposity” means.</p>
<p>have you considered Brown PMLA?</p>