Are both these majors highly unpractical?

<p>I am transferring to Ohio University in athens as a sophomore next fall (NOT ohio state) from my local CC. Unfortunately, I am faced with a problem about my major selection. Originally I wanted to take advantage of the fact the OU provides a very hard to find Audio Production Major, now I am second guessing myself and thinking of journalism within the scripps school of communications OU.
My problem lies in the fact that I am not set on Grad school as of yet and also not sure if a bachelors in Journalism is sufficient to land me a job upon graduation. If anyone could give me any advice on either of these majors it would be much appreciated.</p>


<p>Yes ! Get a major in something like accounting . Boring , but pays well !</p>

<p>It depends on where you live. If you have the ambition and talent you could definitely succeed in both fields. However, if you don’t live in an area where there are a lot of opportunities you will probably have to relocate to pursue that dream. Do some research to see what kind of opportunities you might realistically have for those fields in your city.</p>

<p>How about trying a double major, or maybe a major in audio production and minor in journalism? Or if you’re really uncertain about audio production major in journalism and minor in audio production. It’s okay to take these kinds of risks with school as long as you have a plan for your career. Don’t just do these majors because they sound fun, easy, you don’t really care, etc. It can take a long time to break into these fields, and they don’t really pay that well, especially for entry-level positions. But if this is your dream, go for it! You still have awhile to be in college and you’ll be working for much, much longer so why not pursue something you’ll truly enjoy?</p>