Are elite schools still possible?

<p>LOL, what a coincidence :stuck_out_tongue: I heard anything above a 60% is basically an A there lol A few of my Cs were in classes like P.E. Ugh… So glad The last year of P.E. is in the 9th grade if only they allowed you to choose the sports you do :(</p>

<p>We don’t get grades here.Only marks.
Haha,who told you that?It’s true to an extent.Depends on the rigor of the school.My school prepared an engineering entrance level math paper,hence the low-but-considered-good marks!</p>

<p>Well we get scores too but at the bottom of the report they have the usual A= 90-100, B= 80-89 etc. And you get a 2nd honours if you get an average above 80 without failing any of the approximately 14 subjects and you get a 1st honours for getting an average above 90 without failing anything. My school is kind of wierd we’re like the only school where an A starts at 90, everywhere else it starts at 80 or 85, because we follow the British educational system and everything lol I know it sounds wierd for you to be getting a type of honours with an 8x average for American student but that just goes to show you the level of work we do. Our school also produces the top marks in the island for the Caribbean region-wide exams done at 11th and 12th grade and consistently produces studentd students who get the highest marks for the entire region.</p>

<p>To your question I heard from different sources plus i took a glance at the WES grade conversion chart for India :stuck_out_tongue: And I think I know where you’re coming from with that entrance engineering paper, people always say that the level of work we do at our school is harder than the actual exams which would explain the passing rates, but I’m quite sure its not as hard as an engineering entrance exam lol.</p>

<p>Don’t go by WES guidelines.They are highly inaccurate imo.It is incorrect to generalise like that as each school has a different level of rigor.A large no. of schools do have students getting an 88-91 or something in 11th,because their exams are easy.
But your impression about the marks is more or less correct.</p>

<p>And your grades are totally fine in that case.</p>

<p>It really is awful that my school doesn’t rank so all the colleges will be seeing are the raw scores, unless they change their policies or something :frowning: </p>

<p>Do you know any good grade evaluation/conversion sites? I’ve been looking but I can’t find any.</p>

<p>Im not using any.The adcoms at ‘elite’ schools like to see the actual results/transcripts issued by the school.</p>

<p>I know but just wanted to do a kind of self-evaluation, and see what my grades are equivalent to according to the American standard.</p>