Are grad programs getting easier to get into?

<p>Is there a decline in the number of apps applying to grad school? With the economy being where it is and higher education having the rep as a waste of money etc, do you think students are shying away from the programs?</p>

<p>An argument could be made that graduate school is a likely options for college graduates simply because of the lack of job opportunities available.</p>

<p>The data generally show that the number of graduate applications increases when the economy is not doing well. For instance, according to several professors I’ve talked to, the number of chemical engineering applicants to top departments increased significantly over the last several years.</p>

<p>I think it is definitely related to job market status.</p>

<p>On the contrary, the bad economy means that more people will apply to graduate school. People think that hiding out in graduate school when you can’t find a job is a good idea, so people apply to avoid the market. And higher education doesn’t widely have a rep as being a bad deal.</p>

<p>Are graduate programs easier to get admitted?</p>

<p>Master’s - Yes
Professional - Depends, but usually no
PhD - Huge no</p>

<p>How about M.Eng vs. M.Sc? I know M.Sc is always more competitive but is M.Eng still easy to get into?</p>