Are Honor dorms an isolating experience?

<p>Just wondering if anyone has found the honor dorms isolating, and because of this, hard to make friends?</p>

<p>i think it is easier in traditional style dorms, but most kids do just fine in suite style.</p>

<p>I think that students need to be pro-active from the get-go no matter where they live.</p>

<p>That can mean…</p>

<p>1) participating in WOW week activities
2) coming a week early and do Alabama Action or Outdoor Action
3) don’t lock yourself up in your room</p>

<p>A person committed to isolating themselves can isolate themselves in any type of dorm. Other parts of CC have many stories of roommates in traditional dorms almost never leaving their rooms except for class and food. Yes, having a single room in a suite style dorm could make it easier to isolate oneself, but it’s really up to the student.</p>

<p>Tips for not feeling isolated in ones dorm room:</p>

<li><p>Find activities outside of your residence hall. There are tons of things to do at UA. Find some you like and keep yourself active in them. </p></li>
<li><p>With your roommates’ approval, have friends come over to your room. Plan fun activities such as game nights, movie nights, and making late night breakfasts.</p></li>
<li><p>Keep in touch with friends from “home,” but don’t be constantly connected to them. All too often I’ve seen students spend hours at a time locked in their rooms playing video games online for hours at a time with friends from home. This is fine on occasion, but there are plenty of students at UA playing the same games.</p></li>
<li><p>If you see signs that you are becoming depressed or have another type of mental illness, seek help from a qualified professional. If your current mental health professional isn’t working out very well, consider switching to a different mental health professional. Your insurance company will have a list of approved providers, some of which are likely on the UA campus or nearby.</p></li>
<li><p>If you choose to drink, be safe about it, try not to drink too much alone, know your limit, and never drive or ride a bike after you’ve been drinking.</p></li>
<li><p>Constantly strive to make new friends. Many people think that the first few friends they make after coming to UA will be their best friends throughout college, which is not as likely as one would like to think. You will meet many cool people throughout the years. Remember too that one can have different groups of friends.</p></li>
<li><p>Consider joining a group with many social activities. This could be a social or professional fraternity/sorority, ROTC, service organization, the Mallet Assembly, a religious or nonreligious group, etc. </p></li>
<li><p>Consider dating. This might seem easier said than done for those not used to dating, but UA has plenty of single people in similar situations. For those students who are or may be LGBT+, it’s very possible to find a mate even if one is still in the closet. Should you decide to come out while at UA, the vast majority of people will be supportive.</p></li>
<li><p>If you are falling behind or are in danger of doing so, seek help. UA has many resources to help students do well in their courses.</p></li>
<li><p>Be true to yourself. There are so many people who will like you for being you that there’s little to no reason to stay attached to friends who don’t. Yes, life isn’t always perfect, but that doesn’t mean that one can’t surround themselves with supportive people.</p></li>

<p>I agree w/ what has been posted. I don’t think that someone who actively seeks friendship has any problem finding it at UA. The people who might find the suite dorms isolating are the ones who might be a little shy themselves…or have 3 other roommates who shut themselves in their rooms and don’t come out. It is important to pick the right roommates that fit what you want the suite to be like. While some students/parents have posted here that their hall is active and open-door and a bundle of fun every minute, my S’s floor is apocalyptic-quiet and I have never seen ANYone walking around (not even zombies), even on move-in weekend. Ok, that’s an exaggeration, but not much of one… ;)</p>

<p>Aeromom, I am SO glad that you are not seeing Zombies. But if you do, please see SEA_tide’s tips #4 & #5.</p>

<p>The Honors dorms should have a mix of people from across the US. Some of them will not know anyone when they arrive. If you seek out and try to help the OOS state students fit into Southern life, you will find a great group of people who need help, and who will make great friends. You are not alone in feeling a little nervous about going away to school. The good part is that almost everyone is a little nervous, so you have a lot of company. You will fit in just fine. There is a group for everyone at all big schools. Just be yourself.</p>