Are Pre-IB classes considered "HL" (UC honors)

<p>My high school counselor told me that as long as my transcript indicated that the course was Pre-IB I should designate it as honors on pathways
however i remember reading somewhere that only IB and AP classes are relevant to OoS applicants.
right now I have them as "HL" and wrote that the HL classes were Pre-IB. Any recommendations on how to do this?</p>

<p>Pre-IB classes are considered to be honors, strictly.
HL courses are comparable to AP courses.</p>

<p>if you are OOS, only AP & IB courses count for UC honors, sorry.</p>

<p>wait, what? i is vertigo saying they are?
is there any place where this is answered in something from the university?
its a shame that the office is not open today</p>

<p>Out-of-state applicants should check the box for both AP and school-designated honors courses.
this is taken directly from uc davis’ undergrad admissions: completing the application webpage
ill i can really glean from this is that its confusing and unclear… so ill leave the qualifier in my extra info section.</p>