Are previous fall semester class capacities a good predictor of this fall class capacity?

<p>I am trying to get some 100 classes like EN103; however, all classes are at 18… Looking at Fall2013, the class capacity was 18 so does this mean this year I’m SOL because im attending an Aug. BB?</p>

<p>Not sure about SOL - the last Honors BB was July 21. Contact HC and ask for an override or at the very least be put on the wait list.</p>

<p>Contact Honors College? I though EN103 (English) is offered to all students regardless of HC.</p>

<p>Can non-honors students take Honors sections of classes? I don’t think so… </p>

<p>I think someone who isn’t in the Honors College can take EN 103 if they otherwise meet the requirements:</p>

<p>Students enrolled in EN 103 must meet one of the following prerequisites:
1)ACT: Score of 28 or higher composite score OR score of 30 or higher on the English section; OR
2) SAT: Score of 1250 or higher composite score OR 720 or higher Verbal score.</p>

<p>Hang on, you’re all getting ahead of yourselves. The fact that the course listings indicate that ENG 103 (for example) is filled already does NOT mean that it’s filled. That simply means that the available openings (and, yes, there available openings!) are being held for the August BB sessions.</p>

<p>There are no doubt some courses that are filled already . . . and many of those will open up again as people’s schedules change between now and the final drop/add day. But there are also other courses that have had spaces reserved for future BB sessions - those courses appear to be filled, but they’re really not.</p>

<p>Attending Bama Bound on August 14 or 15 should NOT put you at a significant disadvantage. You may not have quite as many choices as those students who registered in May, but you will still have choices. And if you’re willing to be flexible, and closely monitor course openings during the two weeks immediately following your BB session, chances are that you’ll do just fine.</p>

<p>There are two issues here. </p>

<p>First, EN103 does indeed appear to have a cap of 18 students per section. You can go into previous years and plainly see this semester after semester. Every section of Fall 2014 EN103 has 18 already, so unless some of those 18 are placeholders (i.e., falsely empty), I don’t believe any seats will open up in August. The last Honors BB has now already passed (and this OP is possibly not in HC anyway, so that is moot point…). If a section is full, student will need to get an override or get on a waitlist to join that section.</p>

<p>Second, is the issue of whether non-HC students can take Honors sections of classes. I did not know that they could, and I still have to believe that they can’t. I thought that the requirements stated above in post #4 were re-stating the requirement to be in the Honors College, which is a 28+ ACT score. Please correct me if I am wrong. Is EN103 the only Honors class that non-Honors students can take without being in the HC? In other words, can non-Honors students take Honors sections of Chemistry, Math, Pyschology, etc.?! </p>


Honors College students can attend ANY Bama Bound - they are not required to attend an Honors BB session. All of the spaces in honors classes are reserved for eligible students - the number that are made available at any session will depend on the number of eligible students attending that session. So, yes, fewer spots will open up at a non-Honors BB, but that does not mean that there will be no spots. You have to trust that the Honors College registrars are able to do simple math. ;)</p>

<p>Also, any student with a qualifying ACT/SAT score has the option of taking ENG 103, even if he or she is not in the Honors College. Admission to the Honors College requires not only a qualifying ACT/SAT score, but also a 3.5 high school GPA.</p>

<p>I tried to edit post #6, to clarify my use of the words “seats” vs “capacity”. I understand that some sections appear to be full when they aren’t really. I do get that. ;)</p>

<p>EN103 has apparently always had a max capacity of 18 seats per section. I agree that some of those seats may be falsely vacant…but the CAPACITY will probably never go over 18 seats. If a student wants to go over the 18 capacity, they will need an override or remain on waitlist. </p>

<p>When I looked at the Honors sections of other courses (Chem, Calc, Pysch, etc.), apparently there is no wording about what minimum ACT is required to take that section (like there is for EN103), or any other prereqs…so maybe non-Honors students CAN take Honors sections without being in the HC. Does anyone know this for certain? This must make the registrars’ jobs difficult if they have to account for non-Honors students who have the stats to be in HC, but chose not to, and budget that those students MAY take Honors sections of classes… Interesting!</p>

<p>I was curious about non-honors students taking honors courses. Here is what I found: </p>

<p>“Departmental Honors courses are Honors versions of traditional departmental classes limited in enrollment to only Honors College students. Departmental offerings vary by semester, so check myBama for the most up-to-date listings each semester.” </p>

<p>This is from the Honors College page. Here is where to find it and a list of the included courses (including EN103)</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The English department has its own [url=&lt;a href=“][b]rules[/b][/url”&gt;]rules[/url</a>] regarding placement in freshman courses. They are one of the few departments, if not the only department, that does not accept CLEP credit. So, if doing things their own way means accepting ACT/SAT scores for placement credit, so be it. As @rocrollchalktide indicated above, ENG 103 is the exception, rather than the rule.</p>