are scholarships a legal contract?

<p>Never mind my username I am asking this for my brother. His son was accepted to UM and offered the $10,000 per year fin aid package. This week he was offered another $6,000 (I am not sure if this was for 1 year or for 4 years?).</p>

<p>My question is, if a student accepts these scholarships? is he or she legally committed to graduate from that school?</p>

<p>IMO I would say not only legally, but morally yes he or she would be.</p>

<p>Does anyone know how the law reads on this situation?</p>

<p>No, you can still transfer if you have a scholarship. I wouldn’t even say you’re morally bound to stay (I don’t see why you would be). But if they’re scholarships from UM, when you transfer they will, obviously, no longer apply.</p>

<p>Thanks rankinr what about having to pay back the monies he has used?</p>

<p>As long as you do not drop out, or just stop going to classes, you will not have to pay back any scholarships. I believe this is the same at all schools.</p>

<p>My D received a 4-yr merit scholarship for Music and had to sign a contract pledging to perform in various events and maintain a certain average.</p>