<p>So let's say there's a student, she is 14 years old (in 9th grade right now), and she wants to go to a summer program. She is pretty good at school, but not SUPER DUPER good, so she wants to go to one of those summer programs that are fun and educational, but not SUPER prestigious, such as COSMOS in California. She has social anxiety. Do you think a summer program would be good for this hypothetical student? Are there any shy students who have gone to a summer program and have tips for this hypothetical student?</p>
<p>My D2 is shy and did a few different summer programs. She went to Operation Catapult at Rose-Hulman and got experience at engineering. She also went to Concordia Language Village camps and seemed to enjoy those. You can also look into day programs if you can find something near your house, depending on where you live.</p>
<p>I guess it depends. My D is fairly shy. She has friends but has known them all since kindergarten. She’s not often in a place where she doesn’t know everyone. </p>
<p>She surprised me by applying to Brown’s summer program at 14 and then surprised me again by deciding to go for 3 weeks. I drove her there (we live 14 hours drive away) and we stayed with friends in that area. I took her to Brown and we did an afternoon’s worth of parent stuff. She was really nervous about meeting people, no doubt. She was given a single and was NOT happy. But I left after the parent stuff and she stayed.</p>
<p>I remained in the area for the next couple of days and actually met her for coffee twice. There were activities for residents of her dorm put on by the RAs; she was meeting people via these organized activities. Still, she called me the morning I was on the road home feeling sick and not sure what to do. By phone I coached her - walk down to the drug store and get ginger ale and tums. If you don’t feel better tell your RA and then maybe go to the campus health center. She tearfully agreed. She did that, felt better, and proceeded to have a blast. I still think the stomach ache was her very real reaction to knowing I’d left the state.</p>
<p>The experience was incredibly valuable for her. She was afraid and she got past it and learned a valuable thing about her ability to meet new people and thrive. She wound up loving her science course, and still keeps in touch with some of the girls from that program.</p>
<p>Your mileage may vary but for my shy D it was a big growing up sort of experience.</p>
<p>Wow, that sounds very fun. I guess I’ll try to apply to a summer program then. I hope I get to go!(I mean, I hope the hypothetical student gets to go)</p>
<p>It’s good to step out of your comfort zone once in awhile. Be aware that many cost a lot of $ - Brown is one but they also have great financial aid. Also not a bunch that allow 14 year olds but some do. The CTY programs are worth looking at, they also offer FA. </p>
<p>Good luck!</p>