<p>Edward</a> Jay Epstein: How Much Has Harvard Really Lost?</p>
<p>Everyone else copied Yale’s investment strategy of basically running a fund of funds. Harvard on the other hand actually has a lot of stuff run internally in addition to their external fund management group and now facing a serious cash call .</p>
<p>The Cash Panic Sweeping The VC Industry
[The</a> Cash Panic Sweeping The VC Industry](<a href=“http://www.alleyinsider.com/2008/11/the-cash-panic-sweeping-the-vc-industry]The”>The Cash Panic Sweeping the VC Industry - Business Insider)</p>
<p>Losses up to the end of October ignores the huge losses in November.</p>
<p>Yea, they expect they’ll lose up to 30% by the end of ths year</p>
<p>I think at least 50%.</p>
<p>Private Equity Fund 80% loss.<br>
Commodities (Oil) 75 % loss ($147 to $37)
Emerging Markets 80% loss (price decline + FX loss)
US Bond & Stock (20% to 30% loss)
Commercial Real Estate 30% loss at least.</p>
<p>I agree Keihanna. They say 30%, definetely more. People are being wayy to conservative with these numbers. They should have been more conservative with their money. What happened to 6-8%.</p>