Ok my main question here is can I realistically get into a top university?
I’m an incoming junior, and right now I have a 3.885 GPA
I was born in Argentina, I’m ethnically Peruvian (Latino)
I came here when I was 8, illegally. After I applied for political asylum which was later granted now I have a green card
I speak 3 languages, english spanish and french. I’m taking all 3 of those classes next year AP level among other AP’s
My parents come from a poor background. Mom graduated high school, and my Dad barely graduated
I think I would be a first generation college student. Extracurricular-wise I play tennis for the school, and I do some community work. I also work over the summers
So I need someone’s opinion could I get in, because I have no idea about the college process, thank you
Under-represented minority (URM) and first gen can be considered hooks. What do you view as a “top university”?
anything from John Hopkins up I guess
Those are relatively weak hooks as there are plenty of applicants like that. After all, it really depends on the rest of your credential. These factors help but would not do miracle.
You have two hooks (URM and first gen to college) and good grades. Sounds like you have a rigorous class schedule. Come back when you have your SAT scores and have done some thinking about what kind of schools interest you and what your educational and professional goals are. Your ECs are fine - working is a perfectly good EC. Don’t be pressured into doing more than tennis and community service. Think about opportunities to enhance your level of engagement in your community service or work. And talk to your parents as well about your financial situation and how much they can contribute and how much financial aid you are going to need.
You have a strong GPA and (it seems from the little that you have posted) a rigorous course load, so you are off to a good start. You still need to get the test scores to back them up. For “top” universities, though, you want an “and”- that is, you have good grades, good test scores, AND…
And what? You don’t have to have the super amazing ECs that you see on CC, but most successful applicants to the top colleges will have at least one big ‘and’ - something that they have put a lot of time and heart into.
Your ‘hooks’ won’t substitute for an “and”.
You might want to look into Questbridge…! (http://www.questbridge.org/) With your grades (and hopefully your SAT scores support you), I’m sure you’ll have a chance there.
If you do become a QB finalist, I’d say you have a pretty good shot. Just try to find a clear interest/passion that you can work towards during your junior year.
Good luck!
Definitely do Questbridge! They have great outreach for latino students and they can offer paid trips to visit schools and all kinds of great things!