Are you a CC stalker?

<p>Just outta curiousity. I promise I'm not :D</p>

and yes.</p>

<p>im stalking poseur and dukebound right now.
dont tell them



<p>^ at least you can’t facestalk me! :d</p>

<p>Most def…</p>

<p>Define “stalker.”</p>

<p>I suppose…</p>

<p>yes .</p>

<p>Oh yes, most definitely</p>

<p>I wouldn’t say stalking any of you guys, but I do have 12 CC friends. I have memorized every single one of my “friends’” posts and recite them to myself as if we were Ocean’s 13.</p>

<p>No, I’m not.</p>

<p>The voices in my head…they are gone…</p>

<p>stalker in what sense? i dont think i am…but i also have the highest post count, so who knows!</p>

<p>Dimitri, what was the 3rd word of my 1001st post? :P</p>

<p>This calls for me to turn up my privacy settings…:smiley: jk</p>

<p>It only let’s me view your last 200 messages and it’s hard to tell with all your HSL posts that don;t count; but i have studied you long enough to know that you would say Suck my wad, that’s 1000 posts beeotchs. So wad?</p>