Are You Desperately WAITING?

<p>App Submitted: Dec. 10th ( i think!!)
Major: Psychology..pre-med track
Unweighted GPA: 3.85 (9 AP's, AP Scholar)
SATI: 1980
SATII: math 2c 650, biology 700
Strength: EC's I guess
Location: Southern Cali</p>

<p>gosh i hate this uncertainity of not knowing when these letters are coming! Why cant they just give us a date to check online?????</p>

<p>Here's another dose of optimism:</p>

<p>I called the admissions office today and the lady said that all of the notifications for Presidential and Trustee scholarships will be sent out by the end of February. So there may be more still on the way! </p>

<p>Everyone hope for the best and good luck!</p>

<p>App Submitted: Dember 8th
Major: Business
Unweighted GPA: 3.95 weighted, 4.5 u.w. (full IB)
SAT I: 2250
SAT II: us hist 770
strength: starting my own business? </p>

<p>Location: Northern California</p>

<p>So nervous!</p>

<p>Chilltown, you just made my day!!!</p>

<p>Yay chilltown!</p>

<p>Oh good, there's still hope left! Thanks chilltown :)</p>

<p>Look at y'all fighting over scholarships.. </p>

<p>I'd be thrilled just to get accepted :(</p>

<p>haha, im in the same boat as you stessedout....alas</p>

<p>We can't afford it without one!</p>

<p>I 2nd that Flatxca. It's either a scholarship or no go for USC for me.</p>

<p>Since scholarship interviews are Mid. Feb and Beginning of March, I'm thinking the 2nd wave (if it even comes) will be the last applicants for scholarship consideration. (This is all on assumption from last year's thread) I'm guessing the 2nd wave will be sent tomorrow, so if you can't log into RSVP by tomorrow it's most likely a no go for presidential & trustee scholarship interview... Kind of depressing haha</p>

<p>haha sorry i don't check this that often</p>

<p>App Submitted: Dec. 11th
Major: Business Administration (Marshall) / Spanish B.A. (CLAS)
Unweighted GPA: 3.94
SATI: 1870
SATII: Spanish: 670; Math IIC: 630
Strength: Senior Class President; a lot of community service; a lot of leadership and work; passion in environmental studies and cancer research</p>

<p>Location: Seattle, Washington</p>

<p>Woot! Go Washington!</p>

<p>I don't think most people can afford without a scholarship. And I mean, they need to give people at least the hope of merit aid...otherwise we would all be attending UCLA, which is like 50% cheaper, lol.</p>

<p>Keep your fingers crossed everyone...let's all play the "patience" game...or at least try :)</p>

<p>Just looking for some opinions if anyone has em, I'm tryin to transfer to usc from a ccc... My parents haven't claimed me for tax purposes for the past 2 years so I'm independent, and subsequently my income is less than 10,000. Will I get good aid (how much u think?) or will my status as a transfer student limit my aid cuz i heard they get less than freshmen. Thoughts?</p>

<p>App Submitted: Jan. 8th
Major: International Relations (Global Business)
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SATI: 2010
SATII: 650, 630, 620
Strength: Super EC's. </p>

<p>Location: SoCal</p>

<p>Haha just laughing at you seniors. Just chill, seriously, USC package was the first one i received (during spring break too..) it was after the USC one that i started freaking out. Just forget about it, enjoy your senior yr because you can't do anything about it now...</p>

<p>lol thank you uyulove,</p>

<p>but I think it's in our nature to be so stressed right now. We can't help it!!! Esp. now that we know letters are out/being sent out.</p>

<p>are the scholarship interviews only for Presidential and Trustee candidates or do all scholarships (minus the NMF) require interviews?</p>

<p>I am fairly certain that just the Pres and Trustee scholarships require interviews.</p>

<p>Does anyone know when the next wave of letters is coming out? Would it be today or next Friday?</p>