Are you guys thinking of applying to HBCUS

<p>I don’t think I will.I live in California and all the HBCUS I know of are in the south.That’s too far and I heard that white over there are racist…id rather go to a racially diverse college like most in Cali.</p>

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<p>im going to an hbcu…dnt judge me but i really like to go to famu…mostly for there theatre and nursing i was told those 2 program and also there pharmacy are great programs</p>

<p>@forein…lmao thats not true not alllllll the whites over here are races most of them r really nice</p>

<p>O but I heard on cnn in the south some white guys ran over and killed a black guy with his truck…I don’t usually wear my hair straight so I wouldn’t want to get teased by classmates either,I’ve had some bad experiences at my high school&middle school.</p>

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<p>^ WHAT racially diverse colleges in California? if you have not been out of California, you really need to give other parts of the country a look see. Different kinds of “racially diverse”.</p>

<p>Sorry students, but I couldn’t help sticking my nose in. There are somewhat diverse schools here ( Like UCR, LMU, and Stanford of course), but I paid good money for my daughter to leave here and go south.</p>

<p>PS I have lived in NY, DC, So Cal and No Cal.</p>

<p>oh, and I went to Howard</p>

<p>Racially diverse depending on certain CSUs…my high school is mostly black hispanic and asian.there’s barely any whites and I’m thankful but I wouldn’t want to go to any school that has mostly one race</p>

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<p>ok, I will agree about certain CSUs. But I dont think you will find more than 3 percent black students at many other schools. Not that theres anything wrong with that!</p>

<p>I will be applying to Howard. Only HBCU i will attend is the best one</p>

<p>personally , i think if you are of the african american race , you shouldn’t put down the hbcu’s. there’s nothing wrong with them except they are in black neighborhoods and they strive to help people of color-minorities. & there is no reason to be scared of going to one or to say which hbcu is ‘‘the best’’ it should simply be which ever SCHOOL is the best for you
& @carltonb17 , good luck at howard ! thats a great school. (:</p>

<p>I was accepted to Xavier University of Louisiana and Morehouse college. I’m still debating which I should attend, both are successful schools and have success in establishing a platform for minorities to excel in their chooser fields . Can’t wait :)</p>

<p>^^congrats ima just stay in my state Cali but want to go to socal I’ve lived in the bay area all my life.</p>


<p>Hey all,</p>

<p>I attend a PWI, UGA to be exact and I have to say it just isn’t for me. I’m just not happy here but my parents don’t seem to support my want to transfer to an HBCU. Yes PWI’s offer financial aid but you do have to pay a lot out of pocket and this may be difficult if you receive need based aid like me. I feel like these so called “PWI” schools are simply just a well known name. Since sports I big here, I think that UGA sometimes tries to make courses as rigorous as possible to make it seem like the athletes actually go to class and do work when they don’t. I do not feel I’d receive any less of an education if I attended an HBCU so I would never down them. I also don’t feel its fair to down HBCU’s if you are African American. Yes you are entitled to your own opinion but HBCU’s were the first to offer educational opportunities to African Americans. That is one of this issues with our communities today, too busy putting each other down instead of uplifting and helping one another but thats another story…I always wanted to go to an HBCU but I only had my eyes set on Howard but didn’t apply because it was too far for me. I also applied to FAMU but it too was too far and out of state. I do plan on transferring to an HBCU in the fall but I haven’t made up my mind about which one. I want that experience and I don’t want to go the rest of my life wondering what could have been.</p>

<p>I attend an HBCU right now, Morgan State. I personally love the idea of being at an HBCU. I am an out of state student so I am thinking of transferring to a less expensive HBCU in the country. I honestly can’t picture myself not being at an HBCU because I feel like family at one and I love the pride that the students have. I will either be attending North Carolina A&T State or Grambling State next fall, both HBCU’s.</p>

<p>^Excellent choices!</p>

<p>Previously, I was not in favor of HBCU’s, but as a student at a PWI, I have come to appreciate their value. I do not think I would have been forced to think seriously about the importance of a black community in the formation of my college experience, but since there are far fewer individuals of color at my school, to say nothing of people from backgrounds similar to mine, I have experienced a degree of cultural and social isolation that has been attenuated only through the friendships I have been able to form with people from a variety of different groups, particularly in the vibrant and diverse black community here.</p>

<p>I went to a high school where everyone was a minority - numerically, there were no majorities, and a variety of cultures were represented with clear links to the mother countries - there were no WASPS (they were too rich for our neighborhood!) but we did have Italians and Irish students, Jamaicans and Bajans, El Salvadoreans and Guatemalans, and a very strong Polish contingent - and they all spoke their original languages. Now I’m discovering what it is truly like to be minority in a bastion of white privilege, and it’s nice to have people to talk to who understand my confusion. When choosing your college, I would urge you to all seriously consider HBCUs - if you intend to do a professional degree, your undergraduate school will not matter as much anyway, and it is a wonderful experience to be surrounded by people with similar cultural reference to you.</p>