Are you ready for college or would you rather stay in high school longer?

<p>Just wondering. I'd personally want to start with a fresh slate so I really want to start college!</p>

<p>I want to start college. I’m tired of high school.</p>

<p>I want to start college and I’m not even a senior yet.</p>

<p>amen to you guys! I can’t stand high school. I want something fresh and a larger campus with more people that could hopefully be more comparable to me. I love my high school best friends but we’re pretty different from each other. It would be nice to see people I could relate to more.</p>

<p>I can’t wait. Eight months and three weeks to go.</p>

<p>you already got into Dartmouth?! You are soooooo lucky. I won’t know what school I’m going to get into until spring of 2011 :/</p>