Area Recruiters

<p>For those inquiring minds out there who will want to know, there is NO RELATION. My girls are older and younger than the poster above. And at our house, we were MOST thankful for the scholarship which allows our daughter to attend the UA. While it was a nice surprise for the recruiter to come to awards night, they simply cannot be everywhere. I would count myself lucky for the scholarship and for the thought and effort it took to be sure the certificate made it to your school for awards night. The recruiter DID make the effort to make sure you would receive recognition by getting the certificates to your school. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>I contacted our recruiter to see if there was something S was supposed to have received. She said she had on her notes that the certificate was to be sent directly to the high school. I am waiting to hear back from the GC to see if he has received anything.</p>

<p>Let’s not give Bamagirl2016 too much grief. The post may not have been worded as she intended, but let’s say this may have been the only chance in her high school career to get any sort of a public pat on the back - and she’s disappointed she didn’t get that when others have, especially after reading some of the posts here where everyone stood up and offered a group “Roll Tide.”</p>

<p>And bamagirls - I don’t think any one would assume people with bamagirl in the name are related. It’s not like you are sniner and tniner. :)</p>



<p>Well said, Malanai.</p>



<p>I agree! I know that my daughter was disappointed when she didn’t get the “special” treatment at her senior awards ceremony. She knew that it really wasn’t practical considering that in her class of over 700, she was one of 7 NMF to chose Alabama and who knows how many were going with the presidential scholarship (we are instate so a lot go to UA!). There was no way the school would have allowed the rep. to present each scholarship (not to mention if they allowed UA to do it they would have allowed the “other” school to do it, assuming they would, and who would want to sit through that!).</p>

<p>So yes, she was disappointed she didn’t get the special presentation we had been reading about here on the board, but that doesn’t mean she was any less grateful for the wonderful, generous scholarships from the University of Alabama.</p>

<p>Sorry, I just wanted to make it clear that it wasn’t one of my daughters since I have one who is class of 2015, 2019, and 2020. I’ve been confused with another poster before who crosses over to the other state school’s board and posts from time to time and received some grief over something the other one posted. I can understand some disappointment and the desire to be recognized for achievement, but if it was going to mean that much I would probably have checked with the recruiter and/or GC beforehand about plans for awards night. It isn’t clear from the post whether the scholarship was acknowledged by the school when the certificate was handed out. If not, the issue may lie with the school. My comments were not meant to condemn her, but to point out that recruiters cannot be everywhere and she has much for which to be thankful.:)</p>

<p>Oh wow, my D just pointed out they are 2015, 2018, and 2019…oops!</p>

<p>Oh, I don’t think anyone was being hard on Bamagirl2016: just pointing out the fact that recruiters cannot be everywhere.</p>

<p>The MOST important fact as Malanai and I pointed out (although he was more eloquent :)) is the most wonderful scholarship.</p>

<p>UA is like Disney in some ways, it has spoiled us, we expect the magic to happen all the time.</p>

<p>Congratulations to all the scholarship winners and a special hand clapping and Roll Tide to those who did not get the public accolades at their school awards night!!</p>

<p>My son brought home his scholarship certificate yesterday from school - along with his entire school file going back to kindergarten. :)</p>

<p>RTR…exactly what will you do with that?? And I thought that the school system had to hang on to that for X # of years…</p>

<p>I wasnt trying to be stuck up or anything–at my school, no one cares about the nmfs and i was hoping that the presenter would come so that they might see that it’s actually a big deal. I’m sick of getting made fun of by my classmates for being nerdy and I wanted them to see that it pays off. Im sorry if it came off as ungrateful–just disappointed is all. It seems from the posts on here that everyone gets the recruiter to present it and I was just frustrated. And I am not related to bamagirls at all…don’t know why that would be an issue though. I’m sorry if I’ve upset anyone. It wasn’t intentional.</p>

<p>Bamagirl2016: Don’t fret, no one is upset and we do understand that you were disappointed. However, you have earned a top scholarship and we are proud of you. Be proud of yourself, don’t worry about what others say.</p>

<p>It is sometimes just a matter of logistics or individual school policy whether the UA Representative can present the scholarship.</p>

<p>Bamagirl2016, congratulations on your awarded scholarship! </p>

<p>It is unfortunate that your HS peers don’t appreciate the value of your hard work and while I know it would have been nice to have had it acknowledged now just keep in mind how sweet it will be at your 10 year reunion to share with them how you graduated from UA with little or no debt thanks to the academic scholarships you received!</p>



<p>Most of the nerds in my high school graduating class dominated the game of success in adulthood . . . for DECADES. Your clueless classmates may laugh now, but one of the great truisms in life is that she who laughs last laughs best. Your antagonists are merely hares to your tortoise, destined to fade. You will leave them inexorably in your dust. </p>

<p>And as you cruise by, I imagine you chanting, “Hey, Losers! Hey, Losers! I just beat the h_ _ _ outta you! Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer give 'em h_ _ _ Alabama!”</p>

<p>Then again, if you’re in a charitable mood, perhaps a simple, “Roll Tide, suckers” will do. :)</p>



<p>As robotbldmom said, no one’s upset with you. You are part of the Alabama Family, one of us. Stand tall and be proud of your incredible achievement. We love nerds here. It raises the collective I.Q. of the joint.</p>

<p>As the Grail Knight said to Indiana Jones in “The Last Crusade,” you chose wisely. Roll Tide, Bamagirl2016!</p>